District English Learner Advisory Committee Comité Consejero del Distrito Escolar Cambrian School District October 15, 2014
Goal of CSD DELAC By working together; parents & educators, we can ensure a quality learning environment for our English Learners
Purpose Serves as an Advisory Board Conducts a district-wide needs assessment of English Learners Establishes district goals and objectives for programs and services for English Learners
CSD English Learners 3,349 students in CSD ▫ English Learners 435 ELs w/ CELDT Levels 1-5 48 Long Term ELs (6 or more years as EL) ▫ 218 Reclassified students (former ELs) Reclassification ▫ Goal for district reclassification rate – 15% ▫ State Reclassification rate – 12%
CELDT Multi-year At or Above Early Advanced
Daily Instruction Key instructional strategies ▫ Student Engagement ▫ Public Voice ▫ Justification for Answers ▫ Guided Language by Design (GLAD)
Student Engagement Ensure all teachers use strategies that encourage language opportunities: white boards—allows for non-verbal response pair share—allows practice before responding random checking for understanding—ensures all students have opportunity to respond
Public Voice Students should use a public voice when responding in all classrooms Students should use complete sentences and include academic language when responding Build confidence by encouraging student talk at all grade levels
Justification of Answers Requires students to explain the skill or concept in their own words Encourages critical thinking Encourages students to provide evidence
ELD Instruction Elementary ELD Pull-out ▫ minutes of Explicit ELD Based on CELDT Level ▫ 4-5 times per week ▫ Taught by Certificated Teacher ▫ Focus on developing oral English language proficiency
EL Curriculum Full access to the Common Core State Standards TK-8 ELD Curriculum ▫ Frames for Fluency – Elementary Schools ▫ Champions of Ideas – Middle School Software Programs ▫ Rosetta Stone ▫ Raz Kids - ▫ Scootpad - ▫ Accelerated Reader – See Parents Guide
Access Conferencing Teacher by Appointment School Programs ▫ Extended day – Morning/Afternoon ▫ Homework Center/Computer Use Parent Involvement Opportunities ▫ Home & School Club ▫ School Site Council ▫ ELAC ▫ Parent Engagement Classes Art Vista, Project Cornerstone, Garden Adventures ▫ School Events