Sierra Club By: Alex Bauman
Sierra’s Mission and a bit about them. Founded in The Sierra Club is a large international grassroots organizations working to protect wilderness areas and the wildlife on them. They work to protect many places from the Adirondacks all the way to the Arctic Coast.
North Eastern PA Chapter There is a Chapter of the Sierra Club in Scranton P. A. The address is: NE Sierra Club PO Box 1311 Scranton PA 18501
Accomplishing Goals They have a Climate Recovery Agenda that is a set of initiatives which will cut carbon emissions by 80 percent by 2050.
Successful or not? Yes, they are successful.
Work Citied Goals. Sierra Club Sierra Club. 20 January Northeastern Branch Pennsylvania chapter. Sierra Club. 20 January Resilient Habitats. Sierra Club Sierra Club. 20 January 2013.