Personal Details Name: Yi Zhang Mailing Address: P.O.Box 918-3, 19B Yuquan Lu, Shijingshan District, Beijing, China, Tel: Current Position 2011/1-Present: Associate Professor, Key Laboratory of Particle Astrophysics, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Research Interests Cosmic ray Physics and VHE gamma ray astronomy
2 ARGO Hall Tibet AS array Tibet ArrayTibet Yangbajing Observatory Located at an elevation of 4300 m (Yangbajing, China))
Longitudinal development of AS Why Tibet? 1. Low energy Threshold (TeV) 2. Good Energy determination in Knee (10^15- 10^16eV)
Sidereal time anisotropy in two hemisphere Tibet III Icecube Milargro, superK, ARGO
p/γ discrimination by muons
暗物质粒 子间接探 测 宇宙射线 起源 The upgrading: Tibet MD detector
Tibet MD detector
The sensitivity of Tibet Asγ+MD detector
End, Thanks!
银河宇宙线宏观传播:与环境物质一起绕银心共转 《科学》 314(2006) COBE 观测的 CMB 的各向异性 AS 观测的宇宙线各向异性