Topic: Circulatory System Aim: Explain the function and structure of the circulatory system. Do Now: EXTRA CREDIT on the small paper: Why is everyone wearing red today? HW: Digestive and Circulatory Castle Learning due Tuesday, February 23 rd.
Today is Heart Health Awareness Day! Heart disease and stroke kill 1 in 3 women, yet it’s 80% preventable.
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in women over age 40, especially after menopause. Every year, more than 400,000 U.S. women die of heart disease. This translates to approximately one death every minute.
Circulatory System Function TRANSPORT substances throughout the body
Heart Facts Hold out your hand and make a fist. If you're a kid, your heart is about the same size as your fist, and if you're an adult, it's about the same size as two fists. Your heart beats about 100,000 times in one day and about 35 million times in a year. During an average lifetime, the human heart will beat more than 2.5 billion times.
Heart Cardiac muscle
Parts of the heart
1.Atria: Upper chambers RECEIVE blood
2. Ventricles: Lower chambers PUMP blood
Which chambers are more muscular? Atria or ventricles? Why?
3. Septum = wall that separates right & left sides
4. Valves = bw atria and ventricles
Lub If you listen to your heartbeat, it makes a lub dub sound. What you hear is the sound of the valves closing as they pump 4,300 gallons of oxygen rich blood a day. Dub
Tricuspid valve: bw the R atrium and ventricle Mitral valve: bw the L atrium and ventricle
Pulmonary valve: bw the R ventricle and pulmonary arteries Aortic valve: bw the L ventricle and aorta
Right Atrium Right Ventricle Left atrium Left Ventricle Valves A B C D E E
Blood flow in the heart
Right side: DEOXY blood –To LUNGS Left side: OXY blood –To all body parts
LEFT (oxygenated) RIGHT (deoxygenated)
Blood pumped on each side of the heart DOES NOT MIX!!
Vena Cava: Carry DB from the body to the right side of the heart
Pulmonary arteries: carry DB to the lungs Pulmonary veins: carry OB from the lungs back to the left side of the heart
AORTA Is the aorta attached to the right or left side? So what kind of blood does it carry? Where does this blood go?
Aorta: largest artery in the body –Carries OB from the left side of the heart to the rest of the body.
Right atrium (DB) Right ventricle (DB) Pulmonary arteries (DB) Lungs (OB) Pulmonary Veins (OB) Left atrium (OB) Left ventricle (OB) Aorta (OB) Rest of the body Vena Cava (DB) Right atrium (DB)
Let’s summarize… 1. Explain the function of the circulatory system. 2. Identify the upper chambers. 3. Identify the lower chambers. 3. Explain the importance of heart valves. 4. Why is the septum so important? 5. Where is deoxygenated blood pumped to? 6. Where is oxygenated blood pumped to? To transport materials throughout the body Right and left atria Right and left ventricles They prevent the backflow of blood. To prevent the mixing of oxy and deoxy blood.. Lungs Rest of the body
Review: Identify the structure described. 1.Chamber that receives blood. 2.Prevents the backflow of blood. 3.Chamber the pumps blood out of the heart. 4.Wall of muscle separating the right and left side of the heart. 5.Chamber that pumps oxy blood. 6.Chamber the receives deoxy blood. 7.Chamber that pumps deoxy blood. 8.Chamber the receives oxy blood Atria Valves Ventricles Septum Left ventricle Right atrium Right ventricle Left atrium
1- Inferior vena cava 2- Pulmonary veins 6 - Pulmonary veins 3- Pulmonary arteries 5 - Pulmonary arteries Suerior vena cava 7- right ventricle 8- left ventricle 10 - aorta
ulatorysystem/ rt/
Review: Identify the part of the heart being described. 1.Chamber that receives oxygenated blood. 2.Wall that separates the right and left side of the heart. 3.Chamber that pumps out deoxygenated blood. 4.Chamber that receives deoxygenated blood. 5.Prevents the backflow of blood between atria and ventricles. 6.Chamber that pulps out oxygenated blood.
Autopsy specimen of aorta has been opened lengthwise to reveal luminal surface studded with lesions of atherosclerosis.
Coronary atherosclerosis
Coronary Thrombosis
Heart attack Caused by BLOCKAGE of coronary artery O 2 does not get to heart muscle