A Warm WELCOME Introduction to Sports Chaplaincy Registered Charity
Induction Team today Who we are: Gill Camina: Independent safeguarding advisor Sally Bates: Office Manager Warren Evans: CEO National Director Matt Baker: Pastoral Support Director in English Football Registered Charity
11:0011:00 Welco me & Coffee 11:1011:2011:5011:1011:2011:50 Intro – Matt Baker The weird & wonde rful world of Sport - Warre n Evans Asses sing the unique distinct ive of the sportin g industr y Safe Sports Chapl aincy – Gill Camin a Expert advice on Safeg uardin g issues 12:3012:30 Rest Break 12:4512:45 The where, what and how to - Warre n Evans 13:1513:15 Lunch 14:0014:00 The Accept ance Ladder – Rev Matt Baker How to gain accept ance in a harsh sportin g enviro nment 14:4014:5514:4014:55 Differin g expres sions of chapla incy DVD – Intervi ew insight of the profes sional (Robbi e Hunter Paul) 15:1015:10 Rest Break 15:2015:4515:2015:45 Top Tips for effectiv e Sports Chapl aincy – Video & discus sion 25 Chapl ains give their best advice What’s the point of Sports Chapl aincy UK? Gettin g the best out of our organi zation 16:1516:15 Finish Registered Charity 10:00Welcome & Coffee 10:10 10:20 10:50 Intro – Matt Baker & Warren Evans The weird & wonderful world of Sport - Warren Evans Assessing the unique distinctive of the sporting industry Safe Sports Chaplaincy – Gill Camina Expert advice on Safeguarding issues 11:30Rest Break 11:45The where, what and how to - Warren Evans 12:15Lunch 13:00The Acceptance Ladder – Rev Matt Baker How to gain acceptance in a harsh sporting environment 13:40 13:55 Differing expressions of chaplaincy DVD – Interview insight of the professional (Robbie Hunter Paul) 14:10Rest Break 14:20 14:45 15:15 Top Tips for effective Sports Chaplaincy – Video & discussion 25 Chaplains give their best advice What’s the point of Sports Chaplaincy UK? Shape of Chaplaincy – Warren Evans Getting the best out of our organization 15:45Finish
As an organisation we have a two fold vision, our main purpose has been to: Vision: “To provide and support chaplains in every professional and amateur sport in the UK & Ireland” “ equip, challenge, and enable the church to engage with their community called sport”. Mission: “To initiate, nurture, support and resource high quality Christian chaplaincy to the world of sport” Registered Charity
Support through: Pastoral Directors Visits/ Calls/ s CPD includes Induction, Regional & Conference Website. On line programs Registered Charity
“Personally I know the importance in my life and I am delighted to be a patron of Sports Chaplaincy UK recognising the vital work of chaplains within sport.” Fabrice Muamba Former Bolton Wanderers and Arsenal player – who collapsed in a game as was classified as dead for 72 min’s. Registered Charity
Questions Registered Charity
The Weird & Wonderful World of Sport
What is elite sport like? “What I know most surely about the duty of a man - I owe to sport.” Albert Camus, French Philosopher “The most important thing in the Olympic games is not winning but taking part.” Baron Pierre de Courbetin, Founder of the Olympic Committee “Serious sport has nothing to do with fair play. It is bound up with hatred, jealousy, boastfulness, and disregard of all the rules.” George Orwell, Writter Registered Charity
What is elite sport like? Registered Charity
What is elite sport like for the athlete / staff / coaches? “Football is like a beast. It can overtake your whole life so you forget who you are and who your family are.” - Ian Holloway, former Crystal Palace Manager Unreal Self absorbed Machoistic Banter Disciplined / Undisciplined Managing the buzz Rollercoaster lifestyle “You can be close to being in hell then rise to heaven just like that.” Jens Lehmann, Arsenal Registered Charity
Own morality No consequences Controlling / manipulative Abuse loyalty Power by association No performance = no interest Spiritual relationship can be performance based Performance is everything “the feeling all of a sudden when the gold medal has gone somewhere else is quite indescribable.” Lord Coe Registered Charity
In the world not of it People not performance What is the Chaplain’s place in elite sport? Registered Charity
Questions Registered Charity
Safeguarding Aim: What this means for Chaplains? Chaplains working with children and adults at risk should demonstrate the capacity to build and sustain professional boundaries. This will establish a safer working environment which will safeguard children, promote confidence and reduce the risk of staff behaviour being observed as improper or unprofessional conduct. Registered Charity
Scenarios A. You are newly appointed as chaplain at the club and have not as yet received any formal induction. A young person approaches you after training and starts to talk to you about how he/she feels he/she is being bullied by one of the coaches. How do you respond? B. It’s a cold, dark and wet winter’s day, a young person (U14s) asks you for a lift in your car to the bus stop? C. A young person (U17) requests to be your friend on Facebook and/or asks for your mobile number? D. One of the (U18) has said that he and a couple of his friends are interested in the chaplain taking a Bible study. The club is not happy to have the study on its premises, but an evangelistic first team player has offered to hold it at his flat? E. A 15 year old player asks if he can tell you something in confidence and asks you to promise not to tell anyone else. Registered Charity
Safeguarding Basics Know that Sports Chaplaincy UK are there to support you You are not alone Reflection: What needs to be in place to effectively safeguard and protect children and adults at risk? Child is anyone U18 Clarify: What is your role and responsibility in safeguarding? Identify: Who is your designated person for safeguarding? Referral process: How do I act on concerns I may have regarding poor practice and abuse within or outside my sport? Registered Charity
ACTION PLAN Reflect and Share - in pairs take it in turns to: Reflect on what has been most useful from this workshop Tell your partner how you plan to make use of what you’ve learned within your sporting environment Remember your: ACTION PLAN – Recognise, Respond, Report and Record Registered Charity
Thank you Gill Camina – Independent Safeguarding Officer Mob: Registered Charity
The Where, What and How to A Practical Guide to Chaplaincy Registered Charity
The Chaplain’s Role “To provide holistic spiritual and pastoral care, by permission, all towards the well- being of people in sport” Registered Charity
Varies massively dependent on sport and club Feel like a lemon Uninformed Unwelcome Avoided Not integrated Prevented Bottom of the ladder Not performance based Where does elite sport place chaplains? Registered Charity:
Types of chaplaincy Ministry of presence Ministry of interruption Hanging about Peripheral Outsider /Insider Listening ear Formal Evangelistic – Famous athletes Personal priest Relationship Registered Charity
Presence - Be there, be different – Jesus Excellence – in everything we say and what we do Relationship - Compassionate Confidentially – trust, a safe port of call Humility – Beyond reproach - integrity “it’s all about Him” Key VALUES of Sports Chaplaincy Registered Charity
Our Key VALUES Registered Charity
To those of all faiths and no faith “For God does not show favouritism,” Rom 2:11 Chaplaincy to who? Registered Charity
Incarnation:“The word became flesh dwelling among us.” John 1:14 Identification: “all things to all people” 1Cor. 9:22 Servanthood: “not looking to your own interests, but the interests of others.” Phil. 2vs4 Presence: “let your light shine” Matt 5:16 Compassion: “Love your neighbour as you love yourself.” Rom. 13:9 Chaplaincy is … Registered Charity
CHAPLAINCY Character / Gifting Sport Time God’s will Club/organisation environment Church “Be aware and don’t compare” Registered Charity
Presence - Be there, be different – Jesus Excellence – in everything we say and what we do Relationship - Compassionate Confidentially – trust, a safe port of call Humility – Beyond reproach - integrity “it’s all about Him” Key VALUES of Sports Chaplaincy Registered Charity
Values expressed Chaplaincy - minimums Commitment to prayer Servant heart Pastoral gift Accountable (reference) Adhere to safeguarding Consistent attendance at sporting organisation outside of ‘event / match’ Commitment to ongoing development Registered Charity
Questions Registered Charity
Registered Charity: Registered Charity
My journey 16 years Highs and the lows Registered Charity
THE ACCEPTANCE LADDER Concept: Rev. John Boyers Registered Charity
What does success look like? Should we measure our performance What is the criteria for success Registered Charity
GGHG Being Affirmed Being Consulted Being Recommended Being Utilised Being Trusted Being Welcomed Being Accepted Being Understood Being Tolerated Being Explained Being Known THE ACCEPTANCE LADDER Registered Charity
INFORM Being Affirmed Being Consulted Being Recommended Being Utilised Being Trusted Being Welcomed Being Accepted Being Understood Being Tolerated Being Explained Being Known ACCEPT EMBED Registered Charity
Snakes on the Ladder Change Demands Pushy Seduced Allegiances Registered Charity
GGHG Being Affirmed Being Consulted Being Recommended Being Utilised Being Trusted Being Welcomed Being Accepted Being Understood Being Tolerated Being Explained Being Known THE ACCEPTANCE LADDER Registered Charity
Climbing the Ladder Be Patient Be Humble Be Sensitive Be Present/Visible Be Available Be Flexible Be Yourself Registered Charity
Questions Registered Charity
Differing expressions of Sports Chaplaincy Registered Charity
Different expressions of Chaplaincy Clubs – Team Sports Clubs – Team Sports Individual Sports - Athletics Individual Sports - Athletics Event Chaplaincy – e.g. Horse Racing Event Chaplaincy – e.g. Horse Racing Local Competition - Local Competition - World, Competitions World, Competitions Elite, Professional and Semi-professional, Amateur Elite, Professional and Semi-professional, Amateur All ability sport – eg wheel chair rugby All ability sport – eg wheel chair rugby Stadium Stadium Registered Charity
Questions Registered Charity
Interview with RobbieHunter-Paul
Rugby pundit and Bradford Bulls CEO. Enjoy life, love your family and live your rugby. (All comments are my own) web:robbiehunterpaul.com RobbieHunter-Paul Registered Charity
Top Tips to Sports Chaplaincy “by from & for Sports Chaplains”
“Always pray before you are going into the club. My prayer is, ‘fill me afresh with your Holy Spirit and open my eyes to see what you are doing so I may join in with it.’” - Matt Baker, Charlton Athletic FC, & Pastoral Support Director for Professional English Football
“Let the ministry of interruption develop in you.” - Phil Mason, Bolton Wanderers
“Do a tour of the ground before kick off each home game and meet all the stewards/ground staff etc.” - Arthur Goode, Plymouth Argyle
“Be prepared to listen and listen well.” - Adrian Smith, Stock Car Racing
“Recognise that some staff and players will never want to get close to you - but always acknowledge them and smile!” - Malc Allen (Cheltenham Town FC)
“Be spiritually prepared – casual conversation can switch to theology or deep searching within seconds and easily switch back again. Ride the waves as they come.” - Barry Mason, Salford Reds
“Enjoy the banter, laugh and then give back as good as you get” - Ian Nicholson, Woking Town
“Pray for Favour.” - Chris Roe, Crystal Palace
“Friendship with some players can last a lifetime, be in it for the marathon, not the sprint.” - Neil Urquart, Pastoral Support Director of Scottish Sport
“Offer to help! The person may not have thought of your suggestion, as obvious as it seems to you.” - Julian Thomas, Carmarthen Golf Club
“John Maxwell always says "walk slowly through the crowd“.” - Michael Rollo, Stenhousemuir
“Be consistent in attendance and attitude…. And Don't take yourself too seriously” - Mark Fleming, Pastoral Support Director of Scottish Football
“Be courageous ( don't hide from difficult people situations or challenges)” - Peter Amos, Barnsley FC
“Get your hands dirty, we are there to serve, so be happy to clean up the kit, mop up etc.” - Martin Lewis, Cardiff Blues Academy
“Look for a “man (or woman) of peace” who understands your role can be your advocate & help.” - Dave Chawner, Northampton County Cricket Club, SCUK Chair
“Being available is as important as doing things (good to remember when you are wondering what chaplaincy is all about for example on the days when all the conversations seem trivial!)” - Geoff Redmayne, Glasgow Warriors
“Injured players and those out of form are often ignored / isolated so they present chaplains with opportunities to show 'they are different'.” - John Boyers, Manchester United
"Never forget that we are there for everyone at the club, from the boot boy to the owner and of course the fans" - Steve Collis, Montrose FC
"Ask about them and their families..." - Jonathan Robinson, Wakefield RL
“Don't get discouraged when things do not work out as planned, look for the opportunity in the new circumstance.” - Kurt Francis, Former Chaplain to Crusaders Rugby League & Wales RL
"When players ignore you don't take it personally. It's probably got nothing to do with you" - Baz Gascoigne, Sheffield Eagles
“Be generous….it knocks on the head the myth that everyone is in it for themselves.” - Jimmy Dowds, Dunfermline FC
“Build good relationships with the Kit Man & Physio – they’re close to the players & likely to survive managerial changes!” - Andy Rimmer, Bournemouth AFC
“God will reward your loitering with friendships based on trust.” - Warren Evans, Sports Chaplaincy UK CEO, & formerly Chaplain to the Bradford Bulls RL
“Don’t seek recognition let it flow naturally from your kind actions.” - Graham Locking, Former Chaplaincy Director for Horse Racing
“Remember its God’s chaplaincy hold it lightly and be prepared to let go of it everyday.” - Richard Gamble, SCUK International, Ex- Leicester City
Top Tips “by from & for Sports Chaplains” Reflection
Sports Chaplaincy UK What’s the point? Registered Charity
Where we’ve been Where we are Registered Charity
We have around 350+ chaplains We work with professional bodies and clubs within sport We have trained over 150+ in 24 months Football, Rugby Union, Rugby League, Horseracing, Athletics, Cricket, Boxing, Basketball, Ice Hockey, Speedway, Stock Car Racing, Judo, Golf, Paralympics, Olympics, Commonwealth Games, Snooker, Kayaking, Surfing Registered Charity
We are now actively involve in all the UK Scotland Northern Ireland Wales England – North East All ability and Disability sport Women’s Sports Registered Charity
Code of Conduct for Sports Chaplaincy UK Registered Charity
Presence - Be there, be different – Jesus Excellence – in everything we say and what we do Relationship - Compassionate Confidentially – trust, a safe port of call Humility – Beyond reproach - integrity It’s all about him! Pillars and values of Sports Chaplaincy Registered Charity
Sports Chaplaincy UK Membership Registered Charity Becoming a member Benefits of together Identification Support Protection Training
Shape of Chaplaincy Registered Charity Warren Evans: CEO National Director
Where we are going Registered Charity
As an organisation we have a two fold vision, our main purpose has been to: Vision: “To provide and support chaplains in every professional and amateur sport in the UK & Ireland” “ equip, challenge, and enable the church to engage with their community called sport”. Mission: “To initiate, nurture, support and resource high quality Christian chaplaincy to the world of sport” Registered Charity
Community called No of Clubs: No of Clubs: Average Attendance: Average Attendance: Size of community: Size of community: 151, adults, 90+ children 25 million
Community called Church No of Churches: Average Attendance: Size of community: 52, people in total 4 million
What the future holds VISION Registered Charity
What the future holds – the NEED is GREAT! To seek to have a 1000 Sports Chaplains engaged over the next 5 years Over the next 10 years our aim is to partner churches to see 300,000 followers of Jesus intentionally engage in their community called Sport Registered Charity
The ASK – Join us on the journey PRAYER – 23 rd March 2016 P&F Communication Partnering New Volunteers and not just chaplains Resource Registered Charity
Questions Registered Charity
#stronger-together #relationship #making-a-difference Registered Charity
We hope you’ve had a great day! Please have a safe journey home. Registered Charity