K. Long, 28 June, 2016 Introduction to MICE — and the role of the Hydrogen Delivery System
Neutrino Factory performance: Discovery reach at 3σ extends down to sin 2 2 θ 13 ~ 5 x – Should θ 13 to be shown to be > 0 before start of Neutrino Factory project: Re-optimisation of baseline: – 10 GeV muon energy serving a single 100 kTon MIND at a baseline of 2000 km gives excellent performance
Muon front-end:
Optimised bunching, phase-rotator, and ionisation-cooling lattice is reduced Neuffer, Rogers
Exponential decrease in normalised emittance: Competition between: – dE/dx [cooling] and MCS [heating] Optimum: – Low Z, large X 0 – Tight focus – H 2 gives best performance Ionisation cooling: principal:
Cooling performance: 15% cooling in MICE channel from 5% E loss per absorber
ASB review of MICE: Overall Prioritisation of the proposals The panel was asked to consider prioritising between the four [MICE, FETS, JAI & Trgts] proposals. The panel was of the opinion that both MICE and FETS should be completed and these were seen as the highest priority. The Panel felt that it was hard to separate these two proposals.
Status of MICE: Target Upstream beam line MICE Local Control Room Decay solenoid Downstream beam line Linde refrigerator Instrumentation in place: Beam profile monitors Trigger/rate scintillators CKovA&B, TOF0,1, & 2, KL, EMR
Step I: Instrumentation: Time-of-flight system: – Three hodoscopes: Milano ToF0 (in DSA), TOF1 (after Q9), and TOF2 – Horizontal & vertical position – Timing tp ~50 ps Aerogel Cherenkov (Mississippi) Kloe light (KL) (Roma3): Lead/scintillator calorimeter electron/muon separation Milano EMR in preparation: Geneva
Complete. paper in preparation Step I: – Characterization of beam complete: MICE Muon Beam delivers momentum and emittance required by MICE Staged implementation: Rayner, Oxf
Complete. paper in preparation Step I: – Characterization of beam complete: MICE Muon Beam delivers momentum and emittance required by MICE Step IV: – Integration complete Q – Running with a variety of absorbers scheduled for 1 year Break in running if ready to implement Step V – Implementation of Step V by Q will allow Step V running before long ISIS shutdown [Aug14 to Feb15] Steps V and VI will be implemented starting at the end of Step IV data taking Staged implementation: Rayner, Oxf
MICE Muon Beam: target: DL, Imperial, RAL, Sheffield
MICE tracker: Brunel, Imperial, Liverpool, RAL, FNAL, Osaka, KEK, IIT, Riverside
Electron Muon Ranger (EMR):
Cooling channel:
Absorber/focus-coil module: Focus coil module: – Under construction at TESLA – Presently preparing for winding first set of coils – First module, Q Absorber: – Prototype tested at KEK – Production underway: Will match (be ahead of!) focus-coil schedule – Windows in production at Mississippi Oxford, RAL, KEK, Mississippi
RFCC module: cavities: LBNL
Conclusions: MICE Step I [complete}: – Has demonstrated that beam and instrumentation is suited for use in MICE programme; Implementation of Step IV is now underway: – Schedule calls for completion of integration of Step IV in Q3 2012; LH2 delivery system must be delivered and commissioned in order to serve the experiment at Step IV; Planning for the implementation of Steps V and VI as rapidly as possible following Step IV is underway Review of accelerator R&D programme by the Accelerator Strategy Board and its Peer Review Panel has concluded: – Completion of MICE (along with FETS) is the top priority We must be ready!