Types of Questions
“Right There” Questions answer can be found directly in the text answer can be found directly in the textExamples: What are Georg and Ulrich fighting about? What are Georg and Ulrich fighting about? Who is Harrison’s father? Who is Harrison’s father?
“Think & Search” Questions answer can be found in the text answer can be found in the text reader needs to pull information together from different parts of the text reader needs to pull information together from different parts of the text
“Think & Search” Examples How does the narrator in “The Yellow Wallpaper” feel about her husband? How does the narrator in “The Yellow Wallpaper” feel about her husband? How has being initiated into a sorority affected Millicent’s life? How has being initiated into a sorority affected Millicent’s life?
“Author & You” Questions can be answered by thinking about what you have read, but the answer cannot be found directly in the text can be answered by thinking about what you have read, but the answer cannot be found directly in the text you must use the text, plus your own knowledge and experience, to answer you must use the text, plus your own knowledge and experience, to answer
“Author & You” Examples: What do you think made Harrison resist the government? What do you think made Harrison resist the government? How would “Initiation” be different if Tracy was also pledging the sorority? How would “Initiation” be different if Tracy was also pledging the sorority?
“On Your Own” questions can only be answered using your own thoughts and experiences. can only be answered using your own thoughts and experiences. may be inspired by the text may be inspired by the text answer cannot be found in the text answer cannot be found in the text you do not have to have read the text to answer you do not have to have read the text to answer
“On Your Own” Examples: What do you think your parents would do if you were arrested? What do you think your parents would do if you were arrested? Have you ever felt like decisions you didn’t agree with were being made “for your own good”? Have you ever felt like decisions you didn’t agree with were being made “for your own good”?
Remember… “Right There” and “Think & Search” questions usually have one correct answer. “Right There” and “Think & Search” questions usually have one correct answer. “Author & You” and “On Your Own” questions have many possible answers. “Author & You” and “On Your Own” questions have many possible answers.