This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium 11 TH STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING BELGRADE, 24 TH JUNE 2015
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium RESOURCES UTILIZED IN THE QUARTER Key Experts and Senior Non Key Experts87 working days Junior Non Key Experts:147 working days
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium COMPONENT 6 EMAS IMPLEMENTED IN THE 10 TH REPORTING PERIOD Act.6.3 (Ecolabel part): Transposition and implementation of Ecolabel regulation: -Analysis of existing legislation and assessment of the most relevant EU documentation -Meeting with Beneficiary and stakeholders -Implementation questionnaire to be submitted to Companies and stakeholders -Legal Gap Analysis -Recommendations for closer harmonization -Draft of a National Rulebook on Reg.66/2010 PLANNED FOR THE NEXT REPORTING PERIOD Act.6.3 (Ecolabel part): Finalization of the Rulebook Visit to selected eligible operators to check the applicability of Ecolabel criteria (first visit to Tarkett in Backa Palanka – production of tiles and floors)
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium COMPONENT 7 IED DSIP
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium COMPONENT 7 IED DSIP IMPLEMENTED IN THE 9 TH REPORTING PERIOD Act. 7.1: VOC operators Preliminary list: 150 Companies replied by 30 th April PLANNED FOR THE NEXT REPORTING PERIOD Act. 7.1: Discussion of the follow-up with MAEP, SEPA and Inspectorate: roadmap for the full enforcement of the Regulation
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium COMPONENT 7 IED DSIP IMPLEMENTED IN THE 8 TH REPORTING PERIOD Act. 7.2, 7.3, 7.4: The 2nd meeting of the WG has been organized on the 21 st May. The focus has been placed on the following topics: -Status of the gap assessment -Detailed methodology for the financial and economic assessment including data set and its availability with also a practical test of the methodology; - Administrative gap assessment: possible scenarios for the issuance of the integrated permits by the accession date including the necessary measures (immediate discussion of the new IPPC Law, introduction of General Binding Rules for farms, additional resources to be involved in the permitting process) - VOC Chapter: decision that 150 operators (who replied before 30th April) will be included in the further analysis and draft of DSIP, future enforcement steps PLANNED FOR THE NEXT REPORTING PERIOD The 3 rd meeting of the WG will be organized on September 2015, to discuss: -Final outcomes of the gap assessment on IPPC/LCP Chapter -1 st outcomes of the gap assessment on VOC chapter -Results of the financial assessment and preliminary short-list of operators eligible for transitional period -Administrative implementation plan
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium COMPONENT 7 IED DSIP IMPLEMENTED IN THE 8 TH REPORTING PERIOD Act. 7.5, 7.6: Analysis of requirements for every sector 2 meetings with farms, 1 with Energy area, meetings with single operators Existing landfills will not be included in IED DSIP but in DSIP for Landfills Directive Gap analysis completed on Energy, Chemical, Food and Metallurgic areas Around 70% of Companies replied, remaining are mainly out of the operation Gap assessment table has been prepared including description of gaps, identified compliance measures (timing and costs) PLANNED FOR THE NEXT REPORTING PERIOD Act. 7.5, 7.6: Finalisation of gap assessment for Mineral industries and farms Analysis of the proposed compliance measures and preparation of the input for Financial assessment Meetings with sectors (metallurgic, chemicals) or single operators to clarify the gaps and measures VOC: identification of the main requirements and gap analysis on the preliminary list of Companies (specific STE will be deployed)
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium GAP ASSESSMENT TABLE NameContact info IPPC sect or Compet ent Authorit y Flue GasWaste Water Waste Treatment Resourc es Compliance measures Cost of the Complianc e measures Timefram e of the Complianc e measures ''HIPOL'' AD Odžaci Industrijska zona bb 4.1. žAPV non comliance on NOx, SO2, pm large quantities of abstracted and discharged waste water a) installation of new boiler with economizer and use of biopelet b) replacement of oil fuel with natural gas c)Connecting the chemical water treatment and wastewater treatment in the recirculation circuit a) € b) € c) € a) b) c) Odžaci 025/ ; Preduzeće za proizvodnju Spoljnostarčevačka br a APV Non compliance on NOx, NH3 non compliance for pollutants in waste water a) Reconstruction of plant for NITRIC ACID in order to reduce NOx and NH3; b) instalation of scruber for NH3 in KARBAMID plant; c) reconstruction of Vent boiler in KAN plant in order to reduce NH3 emmisions; d) building of central waste water treatment facility a) € b) € c) € d) € a) ; b) ; c) ; d) veštačkih đubriva iPančevo4.2. b azotnih jedinjenja HIP- AZOTARA DOO Pančevo Tel. 013/ Faks 013/
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium COMPONENT 7 IED DSIP IMPLEMENTED IN THE 8 TH REPORTING PERIOD Act. 7.8: Detailed methodology for cost and financial assessment Additional financial information to be requested (CAPEX, projections on investments, liability Preparation of a model for the calculation of affordability of compliance measures considering environmental, economic and social factors Analysis of the macro-economic indicators related to industrial production in Serbia (GDP, import/export, employment…) PLANNED FOR THE NEXT REPORTING PERIOD Financial assessment on selected companies of Energy, Chemical and Food areas Analysis of the business plans of the selected companies (request for approval of a specific STE) Following: financial assessment on remaining companies Draft timetable of investments related to compliance measures
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium Proposed date for next SC meeting: 24 th September 2015 Thanks for your attention!