RTD FasTracks Projects for the DRCOG 2040 RTP (Baseline Report) FasTracks Monitoring Committee July 8, 2014
Items for Discussion DRCOG Authority/Fixed Guideway RTD FasTracks Projects for the DRCOG 2040 RTP (Baseline Report) Revised Southeast Rail Extension Schedule Summary Next Steps 2
SB 208 – DRCOG Authority/RTP SB (Colorado Statute ) – enacted in 1990 Grants DRCOG the authority to approve a fixed guideway transit system, specifically: Method of financing Technology selected Information presented to DRCOG in conformance with SB 208 is the basis for inclusion in the 2040 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Projects must be included in the RTP for NEPA approval and to be eligible for Federal funding Projects not included in the RTP would be precluded from moving forward 3
RTD Baseline Report to DRCOG (FasTracks) Report necessary to document FasTracks Projects for inclusion in the 2040 RTP Report due to DRCOG by August 1, 2014 Contents of Report Project Definition/Scope Financial Plan Schedule* Operating Characteristics Level of Bus Service Noteworthy Change* Revised Southeast Rail Extension Schedule 4
Southeast Rail Extension Project 5
Southeast Rail Extension Schedule August 2012: RTD Board approval to submit to DRCOG an amendment to the 2035 RTP, which describes the intent to apply for Federal New Starts funding to complete the Southeast Rail Extension September 2012: Request Entry into Preliminary Engineering/Project Development (Requesting $92 Million) April 2013: Received approval to enter Project Development (2-years to complete this step) 6
Southeast Rail Extension Schedule September 2014: Request to enter Engineering (final step) must be made in September 2014 To meet 2-year window to complete Project Development Per FTA, to be eligible for President’s budget in 2015 Meeting FTA time frame for Federal funding provides opportunity to leverage a sizeable commitment of private and local government dollars in cash and right- of-way Early/Mid 2016: Anticipate receipt of Full Funding Grant Agreement (FFGA) and project groundbreaking 7
Why the Southeast Rail Extension? Meets New Starts Criteria The Southeast Rail Extension project has been accepted into Project Development, a positive step in the New Starts funding process Keeping the Southeast Rail Extension in the New Starts pipeline could result in a $92 million FFGA Important to maintain relationship with FTA and build on our history of success in receiving Federal funds The Southeast Rail Extension project was the only New Starts project nationwide accepted into MAP-21 Project Development in 2013 Public-Private Financial Commitment Provides the opportunity to leverage a sizeable commitment of private and local government dollars in cash and right-of-way 8
New Starts Evaluation Criteria 9 50%
Southeast Rail Funding Commitments (50%) Funding SourceMillion YOE$Percent Federal contribution (FFGA)$ % DRCOG 1 st commitment in principle (CMAQ) $ % Local Stakeholder cash commitment $ % Local Stakeholder ROW$ % Subtotal non-RTD contributions$ % RTD-previously-committed funding (2014 APE) $ % RTD required additional match$ % Subtotal RTD contribution$ % Project Cost to Complete$ % 10
Summary Necessary to approve the FasTracks Projects (Baseline Report) for inclusion in the 2040 RTP Not including projects in the RTP would preclude those projects from moving forward The Southeast Extension is a good candidate for $92 million in New Starts funding Local Stakeholder contribution of $25 million in cash and $9.2 million in ROW is the largest percentage local commitment (16.5%) made for any FasTracks corridor – FAR exceeds the required 2.5% local match 11
Summary (continued) Combined public-private funding for the Southeast Extension leaves 35.5% of the total project cost remaining to be contributed by RTD RTD would be able to complete a $207 million project by making an additional $65.6 million commitment Not only does this meet with our guiding principles to maximize outside funding sources, it also meets the FasTracks mantra “Build as Much as We Can as Fast as We Can Until it’s All Done” 12
Next Steps July 8: FT Monitoring Review/Action July 15: RTD Board Action August 1: Baseline Report submitted to DRCOG September 2014:RTD submits application for entry into Engineering Fall 2014: DRCOG Baseline Report Review and Approval December 2014: DRCOG Approves 2040 RTP Early/mid 2016:FFGA and Project Groundbreaking 13
Current FTA New Starts Process
FasTracks Progress 14
Questions? 15