Www.iva.se THE GLOBAL NOISE ISSUE Report from the CAETS Noise Study Committee CAETS 2010 Copenhagen Tor Kihlman, IVA, Chair Bill Lang, NAE, Secretary 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

THE GLOBAL NOISE ISSUE Report from the CAETS Noise Study Committee CAETS 2010 Copenhagen Tor Kihlman, IVA, Chair Bill Lang, NAE, Secretary 2010 June 30

Results IV A completed a pilot study on traffic noise ( 2007 ) RAE ng hosted a workshop in Southampton (2008) NAE published a comprehensive report on the noise issue in USA (2010) CAETS Noise Study Committee has received valuable support from IVA, RAEng, NAE, ATSE, and EAJ:

Results, cont’d Study phase now complete with three workshops in Southampton, Ottawa, and Lisbon Study finds that the noise issue: is global in scope, rich and poor countries are all affected, has a major technology component, is getting worse worldwide

Refocus the committee’s work from studying the noise issue to disseminating its findings on available noise control technology to policymakers Encourage members of all 26 CAETS academies (and the EURO-Case academies) to participate in this effort Maintain the top quality of CAETS work Next Step

Propose to rename the committee the “Noise Control Technology Committee” to continue its work on global noise policy with a new focus To emphasize shift from assessment phase to promotion of adoption of effective noise control technology Next Step continued

Wanted Now Maintain good relations with specialists on different noise emission sources Work with other groups Engage individual members of CAETS academies to help us, not necessarily noise control engineers Need other talents, e g persons familiar with political processes. Encourage pursuit of sensible noise control technology and regulations as the new objective

Background 2000 to 2010

Supporting Activities International Institute of Noise Control Engineering (I-INCE) establishes technology study group on global noise policy 2000 EU adopts E nvironmental N oise D irective ( END ) 2002 I-INCE publishes “A Global Approach to Noise Control Policy” 2004 NAE holds noise policy workshop in Washington 2005 NAE undertakes “Technology for a Quieter America” study 2006 IVA approves pilot study of road traffic noise 2007

Supporting Activities, cont’d CAETS establishes Noise Study Committee as proposed by IVA (2007) First CAETS workshop, “Transportation Noise in Europe” (Southampton, 2008) Second CAETS forum, “Technology for a Quieter World” (Ottawa, 2009) Third CAETS forum, “Worldwide Noise Sources” (Lisbon 2010) NAE completes “Technology for a Quieter America” report, 2010

Situation Today Many noise sources now emitting at least 10 dB too much sound power for acceptable conditions Many of those could be reduced at least 5 dB with currently-available technology A 10 dB or greater reduction usually will require intensive efforts by highly-skilled engineers with specialized training

CAETS Noise Control Technology Committee’s Task Provide policymakers and their staffs with technical assessments of noise control technology Focus on Europe first due to ongoing EU difficulties in achieving a quieter Europé Provide an opportunity for CAETS (and Euro-CASE) academies to play an important role in the noise policy arena

Approaches Work with individual CAETS (and Euro-CASE) academies with greatest noise interest (FR, NL, SE, NO, DE, DK, UK) Work with selected agencies and NGOs involved with noise control policy European Environment Agency (EEA) World Health Organization/Europe (WHO/E) Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) European Environmental Bureau (EEB) European Federation of Transport and Environment (T&E)

Anticipated Support from I-INCE Preparation of a synopsis of the CAETS noise control technology assessment Establishment of an I-INCE technology assessment board to support the CAETS Noise Control Technology Committee Activities of I-INCE will include:

Challenges To bring the available noise control technology to the attention of the CAETS academies To those persons here present at the Council meeting, talk to your academy members and please invite them to participate in this challenging task To spur the world’s policymakers to take actions leading to a quieter world.