Electrical and Noise Control Systems for Analyzing Film and Transient Nucleate Boiling Processes N. I. KOBASKO, A.A.MOSKALENKO, L.N.DEYNEKO, V.V.DOBRYVECHIR Intensive Technologies Ltd, Kyiv, Ukraine Institute of Engineering Thermo-physics of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, Dnipropetrovs'k WSEAS THE’09 August , Moscow
Measuring Principle for Determination of Film Boiling Duration Process
Four Types of Heat Transfer Modes (Tensi 1992)
Shock boiling, Film boiling and Nucleate boiling processes (1977)
Noise Control System
Cylindrical and Spherical Probes
Heat conductivity of silver and stainless steel (W/mK) vs. temperature Temperature 100 o C300 o C600 o C Silver Steel
Heat flux density vs. surface temperature for sphere quenched in 5% water alkaline solution at 20 o C
The first critical heat flux density for water solutions at 20 o C Quenchant at 20 o C q cr1, MW/m 2 12% NaCl13 5% NaOH15 12% NaOH15-16 Water
Typical Cooling Process Comprising Nucleate Boiling and Convection
Noise Effect and Temperature vs. Time at Quenching Round Plate in Water, 25 o C (D=265 mm, H=90 mm)
Summary Using potentialities of noise control system, it has been proved that film boiling during quenching can be absent. Equation for transient nucleate boiling duration calculation predicts correctly time which coincides well with the experimental data. It has been shown by experiments that surface temperature maintains at the level of saturation temperature and during this time noise signal is very high.