Maths Breakfast for Parents EYFS and KS1 Friday 14 th February 2014
Maths is a priority for the school; we are aspirational for our children and want them to achieve at and above the National Average for Maths and to be making progress Teaching of Maths at Ashmole has been monitored by the Head and judged to be Good and Outstanding So we now want to strengthen our links with parents so they can support at home – this has been really successful for reading Maths at Ashmole
There are end of year expectations for every year group. The end of Year 2 is particularly important as it is the end of a Key Stage and the children’s levels are reported to Lambeth to measure the progress they make throughout their time at the school Maths is taught daily in all classes What do children learn in Maths?
The main strands are Number and Shape, Space and Measures Big focus on number recognition – knowing and saying the number names Counting objects – one-to-one correspondence Matching numbers to amounts of objects Ordering numbers to 10 (and later 20) There is a short carpet session with a maths focus and then small group activities and play opportunities for maths This is all done in a playful and practical way – songs, toys, making numbers with playdough etc. Maths in Nursery
Builds on what they’ve learned in Nursery Again, a carpet session all together to teach or practise a concept, then small group activities and opportunities in free play Children will continue to work on recognising numbers Simple addition and subtraction – practically. Children are working towards recording some of their maths by the end of the year Simple shapes and patterns Also work on other elements of maths – capacity and mass through playing in the sand or water, time and sequencing through work on stories and learning the routines of the day Maths in Reception
Transition from Reception Begins to become more formal A longer carpet session where children have some practise of mental skills and are then introduced to a new concept (or practise and extend a known one) Children begin to record their calculations Lots of work on consolidating the concepts of addition and subtraction Ordering numbers – place value Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s Children begin to be introduced to telling the time and using money – knowing the coins and finding totals Mental recall of skills is very important – knowing the number bonds to 10, doubles and halves to 20. These are the foundations for being successful in maths later on Maths in Year 1
Formal lessons – a carpet session followed by supported and independent group work Builds on learning in Year 1 Addition and subtraction with bigger numbers Partitioning numbers to add and subtract them – place value Simple division and multiplication Telling the time to the hour, half hour and quarter hour 2D and 3D shapes Big emphasis on recalling number facts – doubles and halves, times tables, numbers bonds to 10/20/50/100 Applying everything they know to solving real life problems Maths in Year 2
Some children may not meet the end of year expectations for their year group and some may exceed They receive extra help – they will be in a target group in the class for extra support from the Teacher and/or Teaching Assistant Extra group work practising maths concepts and recall of skills Identified children working with a volunteer, playing maths games and recalling number facts, e.g. times tables How can we help?
Target booklets – tell you in detail what your child should know/be able to do at the end of their year group and have some ideas of activities that you can do at home As with daily 10 minutes of reading, daily work on simple, practical maths activities Calculation policy maths policy – available on the website Any ideas? Questionnaire. How can you help?