Definition of Pol Culture Psycological orientations toward social objects which expressed through the beliefs, symbols and values Different to political opinion – long established in religions, ethnicity, etc – ex: black american affiliated to democrat party rather than republican It drives to political actions
Types of Pol Cultures A.Mainstream theories -Almond explained this to offer the explanation of politcal system -Pol cultures of every countries are different -The classification in democratic countries are 1.Parochial culture 2.Subject culture 3.Participant culture 4.Civic culture
B. Marxist Tradition -Ideas and cultures as part of superstructure. Two theories: 1.Culture is essentially class specific 2.Culture is essentially dominated by the ideas of ruling classes C. Other types of pol culture - Not only concern on people behaviour but also on social capital and social movement (old and new)
Political Participation Taking part into politics Political development – system capacity to solve developmental problems arising from the process of modernization Lucian Pye wrote six developmental problems 1.Legitimacy crisis 2.Identity crisis 3.Penetration crisis 4.Participation crisis 5.Integration crisis 6.Distribution crisis
Almond said that the transnational political system confront four major problems: 1.State building 2.Nation building 3.Participation 4.Distribution - Could be solved through high participation of people in politics – so, socializations are needed – family, school and formal education, voluntary group, political parties, NGO, religious institution, communication metdia, etc
S. Huntington said that pol participation is the activity by private citizens designed to influence governmental decision making Michael Rush – the involvement of the individual at various levels of activity in the political system – in larger understanding But, most people limited understanding this term on on electoral participation