To know the main political parties in the UK To know something about what the main parties stand for. To be able to say how the voting system in the UK works
Leader: David Cameron What they stand for: Individuals should own and control businesses and services and make profit for them. Taxes should be low Belief in traditional values Believe in little involvement from the EU
Leader: Nick Clegg What they stand for: Believe in personal freedom and a fair and open society Equality for everyone and strong communities Free healthcare and education The poor and those in need should receive help from the government but this would mean an increase in tax Britain should have a role in Europe.
Leader: Ed Miliband What they stand for: Government should work with companies Government should close the gap between the poor and rich Schools and hospitals should recieve funding There should be different levels of tax depending on how much you earn Tax should be used to provide services for everyone The community should promote tolerance and respect for all and by all Britain should be involved in Europe
The candidate in each consistency who has the largest number of votes is elected as an MP. Since 1950 all elections to the House of Commons are held under a majority system referred to as the first past the post system. The party that has secured the most votes nationally forms the government.
An electoral system in which the number of seats a party wins is roughly proportional to its national share of the votes. Voters put the candidates in order of preference. Candidates with the most votes overall win their seats in government.