Do you know the famous actress? She is regarded as the one of the most elegant ladies in the world. What ’ s her name? Can you name some films which she acted in?
Audrey Hepburn 罗马假期 (Roman Holiday) 一九五三年派拉蒙电 影 龙凤配 (Sabrina) 一九五四年派拉蒙电影 战争与和平 (War and Peace) 一九五六年派拉蒙 电影 修女传 (The Nun ‘ s Story) 一九五九年华纳电影 修女传 (The Nun ‘ s Story) 一九五九年华纳电影 第凡内早餐 (Breakfast at Tiffany ‘ s) 一九六一 年派拉蒙电影 第凡内早餐 (Breakfast at Tiffany ‘ s) 一九六一 年派拉蒙电影 窈窕淑女 (My Fair Lady) 窈窕淑女 (My Fair Lady)
1 Have you seen the film My Fair Lady ? 2 Who wrote the play? Questions:
George Bernard Shaw
George Bernard Shaw, Irish dramatist, literary critic, a socialist spokesman, and a leading figure in the 20th century theater. Shaw was a freethinker, defender of women’s rights, and advocate of equality of income. In 1925 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature. Shaw accepted the honor but refused the money. He was a very humorous playwright.
The Fair Lady by George Bernard Shaw is an adaptation of a Greek story. Do you know the story?
–Pygmalion, a gifted artist, makes a stone statue of a beautiful woman
–He asks the Greek Goddess to bring her to life.
–His wish is granted.
–Please retell the Greek Story. Task 1
Task2 Discussion 1 Do you think that Pygmalion and his statue –wife will be happy together? 2 What problem do you think they will have? 3 How do you think they might solve them?
No, I don ’ t think so. May be they can ’ t understand each other,because they come from different world. It ’ s very hard for Pygmalion to understand his wife,because his wife is made from a stone. She doesn ’ t know the words, behavior, anything about him. … Suggested answers:
Pygmalion loves the girl so much that he decides to teach her how to speak and how to behave herself. Little by little, they understand each other well and live happily. Suggested answers:
–Pre-read the reading text Pygmalion. –The play by Shaw has the same theme as the Greek story. What this theme might be? Write a short passage less than 100 words. Homework:
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