Oficina 3: Children’s Games Brincadeiras tradicionais
Activity 1: Familiar Games How to play Game 1: 1.Pick a player to be IT: he or she will have to run after the other players and catch them. You can choose someone by singing a nursery rhyme. 2.On the count of three, IT has to run after the other players and try to tag someone with a touch. IT says: “Tag! You’re IT!” 3.The player who got caught is now IT and has to try to catch someone else.
Activity 1: Familiar Games How to play Game 2: 1.One person is IT and they are the seeker, or person who will look for the other players. 2.The person who is IT stands at the base (home). They cover their eyes or turn around. 3.They count to an agreed number, or recite a tune or particular words, while the rest of the players hide. 4.When the counting or rhyme is finished, IT says "Ready or not, here I come" or “Coming, ready or not” and runs to find everyone. 5.The people who are hidden remain hiding until they are found and the last one to be found is the winner.
Activity 1: Familiar Games How to play Game 3: 1.Pick someone to be IT. You can sing a nursery rhyme to choose. 2.Everyone else makes a circle sitting down on the floor. They sing “A’tisket a’tasket”. IT runs around the circle. 3.When the song is over, everyone closes their eyes and IT has to hide the “letter” behind someone. 4.IT says: Open your eyes! and whoever has the letter needs to run after IT and tag them before IT sits down in the circle. 5.The person who had the letter is now IT. Song available at:
Activity 1: Adapting Como esses jogos podem ser adaptados? Tag – a pessoa que é pega, fica paralisada. Para que esta possa se mexer novamente um colega devera passa por entre suas pernas. A’ tisket a’ tasket – um objeto é passado de mão em mão durante a musica. Aquele que ficar com o objeto ao final da musica devera entrar na roda e dizer o nome do objeto em inglês. O “IT” dirá “I love you because” e dirá o porque ele gosta da pessoa (ex: óculos) então todos aqueles que estiverem usando óculos deverão trocar de lugar. Aquele que permanecer em pé será o novo “IT”.
Activity 2: Outdoor Games Repeat the song singing left hand instead of right hand. Then repeat it singing right foot, then left foot, then head and finally the whole body. You can add as many body parts as you wish! Here is a fun Hokey Pokey video: qhhoI qhhoI Hokey Pokey You put your right hand in You put right hand out You put your right hand in And you shake it all about You do the Hockey Pokey And you turn yourself around And that’s what it’s all about!
Activity 2: Outdoor Games What’s the Time Mr. Wolf? Stuck in the mud Duck duck goose Hot potato Grab the tag
Activity 2: Outdoor Games How to play London Bridge 1.Choose 2 children to create an arch. Have them face each other, join both hands together and lift their arms up. 2.Line up the other children in pairs so they can walk under the arch. 3.Begin singing, "London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down, London Bridge is falling down, my fair lady." 4.Walk the line of children under the arch and back around, creating a circle of children consistently walking under the arch. 5.Instruct the 2 children to drop their hands down on the last word of the rhyme, trying to capture a pair of children between their arms. 6.Repeat these actions with each verse of the rhyme until all the children are captured.
Activity 2: Outdoor Games How to play Snake in the Grass, Can I Pass? 1.Pick someone to be IT with a nursery rhyme. 2.All players stand on one side of the playground and IT stands in the middle. 3.Players ask: “Snake in the grass, can I pass?” 4.IT - who is the snake – picks a color and says: “Only if you’re wearing blue!” 5.Players who have that color may cross to the other side of the playground. 6.The ones who do not have to run across the playground and try not be tagged by the snake. 7.Whoever is tagged will be the next snake.
Activity 2: Outdoor Games How to play Hot Chocolate 1.Pick someone to be IT with a nursery rhyme. 2.All players stand on one side of the playground and IT stands facing a wall across the playground. 3.IT says: “Ready, set, go!” and all players must walk towards IT. 4.IT turns around and says “Hot chocolate!” and all players must stand still, freeze. Whoever moves has to go back to the first standing spot. 5.The first player to reach IT will be the next IT.
Activity 2: Outdoor Games How to play Catch the Mat 1.Divide players into two teams with the same number of players. 2.Each team member gets a different colored circle on their hands. Make sure both teams have the same colors. That way there will be a blue member on each team, for example. 3.Teams stand facing each other – with some distance between them – on the playground. 4.Place the mat between the two teams. 5.The teacher calls out a color and the corresponding member from each team has to run and try to catch the mat before the other does. 6.Whoever grabs the mat first scores a point. 7.The team with highest score wins.
Activity 2: Outdoor Games Registre aqui as reflexões sobre Outdoor Games -O aprendizado ocorre sem que a criança perceba. -Os jogos proporcionam segurança na aprendizagem. -Os jogos movimentam o corpo todo. -Promove-se a socialização. -Mudança de ambiente. -As crianças ficam mais despertas.
Activity 3: Indoor Games How to play Simon Says 1.This game is about following commands. But only commands which begin with “Simon says” must be followed. “Simon says bend your knees” is an example. 2.Someone is chosen to say the commands and has to try to trick the other players into moving when they are not supposed to by saying a few commands starting with “Simon says” and then another one without saying those words. 3.If anyone moves when they are not supposed to, they are out of the game.
Activity 3: Indoor Games How to play Chinese Whispers 1.Players stand or sit in a circle. Someone is chosen to start the game by whispering a word, a rhyme or a sentence to the person on their left side. 2.This person has to whisper the same thing to the person on their left side and so on until it gets to the last person in the circle. 3.The last person has to say it out loud.
Activity 3: Indoor Games How to play Who Started the Motion? 1.Someone is chosen to go outside the classroom while another person is chosen to start the motions. This can be done by singing a nursery rhyme. 2.Everyone stands or sits in a circle. The person starts the motion – it could clapping hands, snapping fingers, hopping, etc. – and everyone has to copy them. 3.The person outside is asked to come in the classroom and has to watch the motions and try to guess who is starting them. They may have five chances. 4.The person who is starting the motion must keep switching motions during their turn. 5.The next person to go outside is the one who started the motion.
Activity 3: Indoor Games How to play Rock Paper Scissors 1.In pairs, stand facing each other. 2.Say: “Rock paper scissors shoot!” 3.On the word “shoot” make a rock (closed fist), paper (open hand, palm facing down) or scissors (number 2) with your hand. 4.Score the points: paper beats rock; scissors beats paper; and rock beats scissors.
Activity 3: Indoor Games How to play Seven Up: 1.Choose seven players to be IT. Have them stand in the front of the classroom. The remaining players will sit at their desks. 2.Say: “Heads down, thumbs up. Time to play Seven Up!”. Players sitting down must follow this command. 3.ITs have to touch one player sitting down on their thumbs within one minute. 4.Players who were touched must lower their thumbs. 5.ITs return to the front of the class when they are done picking. 6.The teacher says: “Heads up, set it up!” 7.Players who were touched must stand up. They each take one guess which IT touched their thumbs. If they get it right, they switch places. 8.Continue playing until everyone gets a chance to be IT.
Activity 4: Clapping Games Tic tac toe clapping game game LkDo5GlY Bim bum
Activity 4: Clapping Games I went to a Chinese restaurant Miss Mary Mac
Reflexão final: periodicidade Levando em consideração que as aulas de inglês consistem em 2 aulas semanais, chegou-se à conclusão de que não seja aconselhável realizar essas atividades mais do que 1 vez por mês, evitando que se tornem cansativas e, ainda, dando oportunidade para que todas as propostas de atividades possam ser realizadas. A única exceção são as músicas, que podem e devem ser cantadas todos os dias.