ECEN 248 Lab 3: Study and Implementation of Adders Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Lab 3 in Brief Introduction to half adders and full adders Introduction to half adders and full adders Design an n-bit ripple carry adder using n full adders Design an n-bit ripple carry adder using n full adders
Half Adder Adds 2 bits together Adds 2 bits together Possible sums of 0, 1, or 2 Possible sums of 0, 1, or 2 Cout is MSB of addition Cout is MSB of addition
Adds 2 bits together, plus a carry bit Adds 2 bits together, plus a carry bit Possible sums of 0, 1, 2, or 3 Possible sums of 0, 1, 2, or 3 Cout is MSB of addition Cout is MSB of addition Full Adder
2-Bit Ripple Carry Adder Works just like normal addition! Works just like normal addition! Add the right column of numbers together, and bring the carry over to the left column to be added in. Add the right column of numbers together, and bring the carry over to the left column to be added in. This can be done with any number of full adders connected in series. This can be done with any number of full adders connected in series.
Your Job You will design a half-adder, full-adder, and 2-bit ripple adder You will design a half-adder, full-adder, and 2-bit ripple adder For the half- and full-adders: For the half- and full-adders: Start with a truth table Start with a truth table Then draw a K-map for each output Then draw a K-map for each output Minimize each K-map to get the equations Minimize each K-map to get the equations Use your full-adder design in the 2-bit ripple adder Use your full-adder design in the 2-bit ripple adder
Today Today Work on Lab 3 Work on Lab 3 Next Week Next Week Lab 3 Post-Lab due Lab 3 Post-Lab due Lab 4 Pre-Lab due at the beginning of class Lab 4 Pre-Lab due at the beginning of class Deadlines