Trust Board Meeting Chief Executive’s Briefing Tom Taylor 28 th May 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

Trust Board Meeting Chief Executive’s Briefing Tom Taylor 28 th May 2009

2 Inquest Case A – June 2006 Death due to haemorrhage and peritonitis SaTH review – all actions implemented when Hospital at Night actioned in June Inquest Case B – November 2008 Unacceptable wait in A&E but cause of death was widespread cancer External Reviews/ Inquests

3 A&E Review - Growth Health Economy Issue – not just hospitals Growth in Ambulance deliveries – 19% Growth in Emergency Inpatients – 3.5% March A&E attenders 9,134 highest for 9 months (overall 1,219 less in 2008/9 than 2007/8 but March 2009 was 513 above March 2008) April 2009 A&E attenders 8,965 – 5% above commissioning plan and 696 above April 2008 May 25 – highest number of people in PRH A&E ever External Reviews/ Inquests

4 A&E Review - Actions Primary Care alternatives Urgent Care Network Audit SHA review – report still awaited but no significant issues in verbal SHA feedback Manpower numbers being reviewed – Agency and Bank to permanent employees Rapid Improvement Event at both sites in last two weeks SaTH plus PCTs to visit Stoke/ Coventry External Reviews/ Inquests

5 18 week referral to treatment – admitted 90.42%  18 week referral to treatment – non admitted 98.23%  Audiology  Data Completeness  Cancer Targets: - 2 week urgent referral  - Treatment within 31 days from diagnosis  - Treatment within 62 days of urgent referral  (Thresholds for new targets still awaited) ? 2008/09 Results

6 MRSA 15  C.Difficile 102  Thrombolysis 68%  A&E(underperformance) 97.8% X Finance Surplus £4.127 M  Cancelled operations (threshold awaited) ? 2008/09 Results

7 Care Quality Commission Healthcare Acquired Infection/ Cleanliness – ALL Green Inpatient Survey – 90% Good/ Excellent (3 rd year running) National Patient Safety Agency (3 rd year running) Environment- RSHExcellent - PRHExcellent Food Score- RSHExcellent - PRHExcellent Privacy & Dignity- RSHExcellent - PRHExcellent 2008/09 Results - External

8 Shropshire County Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee Montgomery Community Health Council 2008/09 Results - External “Members were extremely impressed with what they observed…and believed that infection control and cleanliness was part of the culture of the hospital with staff being proud of their work and how clean it was being kept. The level of cleanliness and the attitude and approach of the staff was all the more impressive given the challenging winter period the Hospital had been through” “The Nurses, …… were very caring and this was confirmed by patients on the wards…. It should be noted that the parts of the Hospital which were observed by the Team …… were immaculate.”

9 National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) – Patient Representative:- NPSA Patient Representative:- 2008/09 Results - External “The two PEAT inspections that I was welcomed into were nothing but impressive. Staff attitude was very welcoming and open… I personally received a very positive and open response from a number of patients and their relatives…congratulations to all staff”. “It is rare to visit a place that makes a huge impression…It’s obvious that you all care greatly for the hospital and the patients you serve….Everything I saw was first class….I cannot remember being so impressed with a place”

10 External Review – Dr Foster The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust85.0 Walsall Hospitals NHS Trust86.6 Hereford Hospitals NHS Trust90.9 Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust92.9 University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust92.9 Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust93.5 Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust95.0 University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust96.1 Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust96.4 Dudley Group of Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust100.3 Average for West Midlands95.3 Average for England100.0 Hospital Standardised Mortality Ratio