Ud. and Uds. Commands Mandatos de Usted y Ustedes
Ud. and Uds. Commands u To give an affirmative or negative command in the Ud. or Uds. form, use the present-tense yo form as the stem just as you did for negative tú commands.
Ud. and Uds. Commands u Add -e for usted u Add -en for ustedes for -ar verbs. u Cortar – yo corto - cort u Señor, corte los papeles, por favor. u Amigos, corten el pan ahora.
Ud. and Uds. Commands u Add -e or -en for -ar verbs. u Probar – pruebo - prueb u Doctor Lara, pruebe el pastel u Señores, prueben la carne asada.
Ud. and Uds. Commands u Add -a or -an for -er and -ir verbs. u Perder – pierdo - pierd u No pierdan ustedes los fósforos.
Ud. and Uds. Commands u Add -a or -an for -er and -ir verbs. u Servir – sirvo - sirv u Señorita, sirva la ensalada.
Ud. and Uds. Commands u Affirmative and negative Ud. and Uds. commands have the same spelling changes and irregular forms as negative tú commands.
Ud. and Uds. Commands u The same rules you know for tú commands regarding pronouns apply to usted and ustedes as well.
Ud. and Uds. Commands u Attach pronouns to affirmative commands. u ¿Dónde ponemos la leña? u Pónganla en un lugar seco.
Ud. and Uds. Commands u With negative commands, pronouns go right before the verb. u ¿Encendemos la fogata ahora? u No, no la enciendan todavía.
Ud. and Uds. Commands u Buscar - Negative tú command? u No busques u Ud. command? u No busque u Uds. command? u No busquen
Ud. and Uds. Commands u Hacer - Negative tú command? u No hagas u Ud. command? u No haga u Uds. command? u No hagan
Ud. and Uds. Commands u Dar - Negative tú command? u No des u Ud. command? u No dé u Uds. command? u No den
Ud. and Uds. Commands u Ir - Negative tú command? u No vayas u Ud. command? u No vaya u Uds. command? u No vayan
Ud. and Uds. Commands u Ser - Negative tú command? u No seas u Ud. command? u No sea u Uds. command? u No sean