Laboratory and Field Testing of Treatments for White Nose Syndrome: Immediate Funding Need for the Northeast Region funded 2011; study in early stages Project Leader: DeeAnn M. Reeder, Associate Professor of Biology, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA 17837, Tel: Other Principal Investigators: Hazel A. Barton, Ashland Endowed Professor of Integrative Science, Department of Biological Sciences, Northern Kentucky University; Elizabeth L. Buckles, Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Cornell University; Cal Butchkoski, Wildlife Biologist, Pennsylvania Game Commission; Mahmoud Ghannoum, Professor and Director, Center for Medical Mycology, Department of Dermatology, Case Western Reserve University; Al Hicks, Wildlife Biologist, New York Department of Conservation; Alison Robbins, Clinical Assistant Professor, Center for Conservation Medicine, Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine; Greg Turner, Wildlife Biologist, Pennsylvania Game Commission; Technical Coordinator: Alison L. Whitlock, Wildlife Research Specialist, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Problem Addressed Bats in the Northeastern North America are dying in large numbers due to ‘White-nose Syndrome’. Need: to determine how to mitigate the effects of WNS. Objective: to develop and test potential treatments for WNS and, if possible, to optimize field treatment protocols.
Methods/ treatments to try: Collaborative research team is in the process of determining what agents will be tested (based upon ability to kill Geomyces destructans - the putative causative agent – and upon safety profiles) Current Candidates include: Terbinafine-based treatments (this drug is the safest of the commonly used antifungal pharmaceuticals) Slow-release terbinafine subcutaneous implants Single use long acting terbinafine cream Terbinafine/citral spray Volatile Organic Compounds
Captive Experiments (field experiments to be determined) Will be conducted in highly controlled environmental chambers - The Bucknell Bat Caves Affected animals will be captured in the field, treated, and hibernated for 4.5 mo. Survivorship and overall health will be assessed.
Status/Utility The development of successful treatment regimes will allow for the design of mitigation strategies for bats affected by WNS This includes : Treatment of bats in free-ranging conditions Treatment of bats in support of ‘captive assurance populations’ – should they be initiated.