Spring 2008 Mark Fontenot CSE Honors Principles of Computer Science I Note Set 11
Note Set 11 Overview NXT Inside the brick Beginning to program for the brick
What’s inside? Main Processor 32 bit ARM processor 246KB Flash 64 KB RAM Runs at 48 MhZ Co-processor Atmel 8-bit AVR Processor 4KB flash 512 BYTES of Ram 8MhZ Bluetooth Connection USB Sensor Inputs 3 Motor inputs that support encoders 100x64 pixel LCD Loudspeaker 4button interface
Firmware on Brick Provided by LEGO Can be used with LEGO NXT-G software development tool Icon drag-and-drop programming environment for all ages based on National Instrument’s LabView
The Buttons Enter Escape Right Left
Firmware on NXT Can also receive information/data/files/commands via Bluetooth connection For this we will use the iCommand Library found at: iCommand can send commands to motors can read values from sensors Still have full resources of your computer and the SDK
Documentation API documentation is included with the iCommand download iCommand-0.7\docs\api\index.html All iCommand classes have API pages Stay away from methods that indicate: Deprecated Not Implemented Not Tested or Untested Only works with LeJOS NXJ (or something similar) Have fun and explore the api!!!