Biology Classification
Classification is… The arrangement of organisms into groups or sets on the basis of their similarities and differences. Classification makes the study of such large numbers of living organisms easy. Taxonomy is the study of classification.
Carolus Linnaeus Linnaeus was a swedish botanist who is known for developing the classification system used today Carolus Linnaeus started the practice of binomial nomenclature when he developed the 7 levels of classification.
Binomial Nomenclature The scientific names of all kinds of organisms are composed of two parts or binomial nomenclature. The two parts are the Genus and Species The Genus is the group name The species is the particular organism name
Binomial Nomenclature Both Genus and species names are Latin words. The complete scientific name is written in italics. The genus is like your last name because it says what family you belong to and the species is like your first name because it names you as the individual member of that group of people
Scientific names of some common animals and plants Man Homo Sapien Cat Felis Domesticus Tiger Felis Tigris (notice the same genus but different species name) Mountain lion Felis concolor Rubber plant Ficus elastica
Scientific names Scientific names are given with appropriate meaning. Domesticus = house Sapien = intelligent Esculenta= eating Concolor=same color
Levels of Classification The seven levels of classification from broadest to most specific are: Kingdom Phylum Class Order*A good way to remember these Familyis to use the following sentence. Genus King Philip Came Over For Grape Soda Species
7 levels of classification Kingdom- Broadest level Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species-most specific kind of organism
Evolution and Classification Darwin 1859-had a theory that species change over time Darwin’s theory of evolution changed classification today: SPECIES ARE CLASSIFIED WITH SIMILAR EVOLUTIONARY HISTORIES Scientists get this information from: 1. Fossils 2. Compare body structures 3. Compare early development 4. MOSTLY FROM cells DNA
Taxonomic Key A series of paired statements that describe the physical characteristics of different organisms is used to identify or name the organism. It’s so easy to use! To start, read the two paired sentences. Decide which statement applies to the organism. Follow the directions at the end of the statement. Continue until you find the organism’s identity.
Test your knowledge? True or False: 1. Classification means grouping items according to some similarities. 2. Scientific names of all species consist of three components. 3. The scientific names are written in French.
Test your Knowledge? 4. What is the study of classification called? 5.Rearrange the following in their correct sequence starting from the smallest category upwards to the highest. Genus, species, class, family, kingdom, phylum, order
Test your Knowledge? 6. Who developed the 7 levels of classification and the naming system used today? 7. What are the two parts of the scientific name?
Test your Knowledge? 8. Species are classified by: