RDA IGAD pre-meeting Interoperability group Short summary – action points
Actions around Agrisemantics 1.Identifiy a main entry point to GACS, AgroPortal, VEST, RING 2.URIs, DOIs, PSI concept identifier 3.Vocabulary dataset that tools can use (and promote stadard vocabularies / naming / URIs to software / hardware companies) FMIS 4.Maintaining a mapping of important identifiers (names, iDs, URIs) across vocabularies and standards (ISO standard for farm equipment allows to map an ISO identifier with a local identifier) Collaborate with the industry 5.Use case: Grape ontology? 6.Harmonization of variables and naming conventions (ISO observations) Naming rules (for unit of measure, method…) ISO Observations and measurements 19156, also ISO Support non-textual labels, visual representations 8.Support harmonization of geolocation and measurment standards
Interested AgroPortal team (INRA) (Clement Jonquet?) FAO / GFAR GODAN Andres Ferreyra (Ag Connections LLC, US) AgGateway Frederic ANDRES, NII Japan (CBMA4) AgroKnow (Wine demonstrator) 1-2: INRA, AgroPortal, FAO, GODAN, Bayer, AgGateway 3: AgGateway, NARO 4: INRA, Crop Ontology 5: AgroKnow, INRA, Uknow 6: AgGateway, CBMA4 7: CGIAR (IFPRI), CBMA4
Other ideas on data publication Open Data Agriculture Journal Interested: all RDA adoption group Data Type Registry WG Citation of dynamic data WG Persistent identifiers for data publication in agriculture Interested: - IFPRI (data publication with Dataverse: researcher basic metadata, IM people add more)
Check other work Check Data Type Registry WG (and W3C [CSV on the web?]) + Citation of dynamic data WG Check Pistoia Alliance for what they did in pharmaceutical area (Graph databases, RDF, ontologies) (New RDA health IG?)