Regional Context 1.More competition & less resources More organizations doing forestry research, including some not typical “forestry” institutions Most forest academic & research institutions are young Several environmental NGOs carry out forestry research There are less resources either locally, nationally or internationally to support forestry research Forestry has lost ground to other disciplines & recognition of information needs from other disciplines & sources Some criticism of relevance & impact of research & less support from decision makers In late 80s early 90s forestry was a priority for international cooperation in LAC; that is not the case nowadays
Regional Context 2.Changing values on role of forests and forestry Growing interest on: Protection functions and multifunctionality of forests Environmental services & payment for environmental services Biodiversity conservation Forestry and climate change Scaling-up the system: from the tree/stand to the landscape interactions with other landscape components become relevant (including other sectors) 3.Restructuring & downsizing Central government institutions have had their budgets reduced and some research departments closed Just a small amount of the national budget is invested in research (see next figure)
Emerging Challenges 1.Further participation of stakeholders Research planning, implementation & evaluation Communication with stakeholders Blending scientific and traditional knowledge 2.Relevance & contribution to local-national- regional priorities & intergovernmental debate Poverty reduction, environmental conservation and policy dialogue Relevance to national development programs and strategies
Emerging Challenges 3.Complexity and uncertainty Many problems today require holistic approaches & complex research, including understanding interactions with other sectors (cross-sectoral nature) Those problems require also long-term observations & monitoring Therefore increasing the effects of changes in conditions and processes related to desired outcomes In those conditions uncertainty and change are important factors to bear in mind
The Response 1.Landscape-scale management Collaborative research; networking Participatory action-research As an effective way to ensure that research is relevant & addresses needs, demands and values of stakeholders Territories as platforms (e.g. model forests, watersheds, etc.); need for longer-term commitments Links with national and global priorities 2.Systemic approaches (holistic) Ecosystem approaches; livelihoods approach Interdisciplinary research Establish critical mass (through interdisciplinary work)
The Response 3.Learning systems and adaptive management Learning “entities” become relevant: people, organizations & alliances. Learning is a key element; therefore there is a need to develop “intelligent” mechanisms Adequate monitoring and evaluation Willingness to make the adjustments required Performance evaluations by impact on key stakeholders (more than just publications) Emphasis on team-building rather than individual performance
Experience of a Regional Research Centre - CATIE 1.Crisis as a driver for improvement 2.Restructuring to achieve further integration, critical mass & positioning: thematic groupsRestructuring to achieve further integration, critical mass & positioning: thematic groups 3.Further integration between education & research: graduate students fully involved in research programs 4.Complement salaries with consultancies and other forms of funding positions In many cases resulted in further exposure to trends and opportunities for fund-raising as well as further collaboration among TG
Experience of a Regional Research Centre CATIE 5.The scholarship-loan experience: reduction on external scholarships compensated by internal scholarship-loan (see figure)see figure 6.Co-financing of project activities: e.g. TRANSFORMA and IDB/MIF 7.Forestry integrated in other initiatives (sinergies) Watershed management (e.g. FOCUENCAS) Model forests and biological corridors 8.Endowments Two endowed chairs: helped to keep capacity in forestry research & education Strategy for establishing more endowed chairs
Role of IUFRO & Global Research Community 1.Awareness To research organizations Of the threats & opportunities those changes could bring The adjustments needed to stay relevant More funding to R&D from national and international sources 2.Workshops and training programs Aim at training leaders of research organizations (e.g. SPDC Planning and Managing Forestry Research) 3.Continue work developed by Task Force on Science- Policy Interface More relevance to policy-making = greater support to forestry research
Thank you!
Department of Agriculture and Agroforestry Agro-ecological Production of Annual Crops Management and Sustainable Use of Plant Genetic Resources Coffee: Quality, Profitability and Diversification Modernization and Competitiveness of Latin American Cacao Plantations Livestock and Environmental Management Research and Development of Clean Technologies for Musa Research and Development of Clean Technologies for Musa Department Natural Resources & Environment
Global Change Forests, Protected Areas and Biodiversity Center for Competitiveness of Eco-Enterprises Integrated Watershed Management Socio-Economics of Environmental Goods and Services Exit Exit Department of Natural Resources and Environment