Date: 14 March 2014 Author: Wendy M Aporta Code: W16 W ARFARE S YSTEMS D EPARTMENT Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division 1.To avoid liability, do not change or remove NSWCDD logo. No other logos can be used without express consent from the command Public Affairs Officer for the organization that owns the logo. Do not use photos for which you have no permission. Do not download Internet photos or screen shots of Web sites unless you have owner’s permission. Give credit to photo owner when using or if in public domain, state so in credit. 2.Use disclaimer on title page if applicable. 3.W dept. editors will prepare the final document (this slide and headers/footers will be updated) for entry into the review process. 4.Allow time for Security and PAO approval. 5.Insert a distribution list that includes Publications (CX7) if you wish to include this brief in the Publications Library. Maintaining this page until after editorial review indicates author acceptance of and adherence to above statements.
NSWCDD/PN-12/000 HSI in Certification Panel Discussion May 2014 Wendy Aporta (facilitator) Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division Distribution statement A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. The views expressed in this brief are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of the Navy, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. government. WORKING PAPERS—14 MARCH 2014
APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE; DISTRIBUTION IS UNLIMITED NSWCDD/PN-12/000 Introduction of Panel Members Introduction to Topic: HSI in Certification Discussion Topics – HSI Certification for programs – Meeting the HSI criteria in the certification policies HSI Tools and products MR-3 & SC-5 – Certification Management Plans: purpose and process – Technical Warrant Holders: roles, responsibilities, resources Questions Agenda 3
APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE; DISTRIBUTION IS UNLIMITED NSWCDD/PN-12/000 Jeffrey Markiewicz, NAVSEA Technical Warrant Holder for HSI (tentative) Dr. Daniel Wallace, NAVSEA Technical Warrant Holder for HFE and Displays Karole Davidson, NAVSEA Technical Warrant Holder for Systems Integration Wendy Aporta, HSI representative to the LCS Mission Package Certification Team Panel Members 4
APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE; DISTRIBUTION IS UNLIMITED NSWCDD/PN-12/000 Certification – Definition – Purpose – Importance Relationship between HSI and Certification Guiding Documents – NAVSEA Instruction A, August 24, 2012 – PEOIWS Instruction A, January 05, 2012 – NAVSEA Instruction A, May 20, 2005 Introduction 5
APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE; DISTRIBUTION IS UNLIMITED NSWCDD/PN-12/000 HSI Certification for programs Meeting the HSI criteria in the certification policies Certification Management Plans: purpose and process Technical Warrant Holders: roles, responsibilities, resources Discussion Topics 6