Study Questions 2/23/15 “Battle of Midway” Video Notes What was the name of the aircraft carrier that lead the U.S. Navy? USS Enterprise Who was Admiral Chester Nimitz? The commander of all US Navy forces When did Midway begin? June, What size of force did Yamamoto bring to Midway? _4_ carriers, 7 __Battleships__, _150_ support ships, _248_ carrier aircraft, 15 _Submarines_ What size of force did the U.S. have? _3_ carriers, 50 _Support ships_, _233_ carrier aircraft, 127 _land_ based aircraft, 8 _submarines_ Why did the Japanese want the Midway islands so bad? How important was the U.S. defense of the islands? The Japanese wanted the island so they could destroy the rest of the US Naval fleet. If the US did not stop the Japanese advance, it would be forced to defend American soil against a Japanese assuault. How would you describe the sequence of the Battle of Midway? [Summary]
Study Questions 2/24/15 1. How many Japanese aircraft carriers did the Allies sink at the Battle of Midway? (pg 499) 2. (Using the map on page 499) Which battle was fought in the most northern region? 3. (Using the map on page 499) From what two general directions did Allied forces move in on Japan? 4. After the battle, what nickname did the Japanese give to Guadalcanal? (pg 501)
Japan’s Pacific Campaign (Part II) Ch. 16.2
The Battle of Midway Midway had a major U.S. Airbase Allied code breakers discover a Japanese Fleet All 4 Japanese carriers destroyed U.S. had turned the tide of war in the Pacific
An Allied Offensive Douglas MacArthur’s comes up with “Island Hopping” strategy Draw an image that best represents the “Island Hop” strategy
Battle of Guadalcanal Aug. 7, 1942 Japanese constructing an airbase Not well defended U.S. takes easily 1 st Marine Division Draw the 1 st Marine Division crest
Battle of Guadalcanal Japan knocks out U.S. Navy, sends reinforcements Marines have no Navy support, no food, and no supplies After 6 months of fighting, Japan looses 2/3 soldiers Japanese refer to it as the “Island of Death”
Battle of Guadalcanal
John Basilone (Read the handout- answer the questions in complete sentences) What was Basilone’s primary weapon? What other weapon(s) did he use? “Banzai” was the Japanese war cry. What do you think the Banzai charge was? Describe a situation in which a Japanese commander would order a Banzai charge. [Short summary, 3-5 sentences] What award did Basilone receive for his actions at Guadalcanal? Did he deserve that high of honor? Why? [Short summary, 3-5 sentences]