A. Perin, TE/CRG, Page 2 CERN-GSI FAIR Project integration/coordination meeting 5 14 th October 2015 A. Perin, H. Derking, L. Stewart, M. Chesi, B. D’Hulster, V. Inglese, K. Iakovidis, P. Chambouvet, G. Favre Acknowledgements: all the B180 cryo and project team
A. Perin, TE/CRG, Page 3 Outline Interfaces Project status Change requests
A. Perin, TE/CRG, Page 4 Status of the cryogenic system For new equipment: several contracts signed and now in detailed design. For existing equipment: refurbishment has started.
A. Perin, TE/CRG, Page 5 B279: TCF200 compression station
A. Perin, TE/CRG, Page 6 Status of cryo for B180: detailed dashboard All information (detailed dashboard, etc. ) is available on the project website: cern.ch/B180cryo
A. Perin, TE/CRG, Page 7 Status of cryo for B180 All information (detailed dashboard, etc. ) is available on the project website: cern.ch/B180cryo The most critical items are as planned. Resource availability critical for local work.
A. Perin, TE/CRG, Page 8 Status of cryo for B180: contracts MS & ITs for pre-cooler 2 shifted to secure tasks that are mandatory for startup in summer Contracts for the most critical items are signed.
A. Perin, TE/CRG, Page 9 Proposal for new baseline (1/2) Cold box TCF200: outsourced to Linde. Dec 2015 to July 2016 Pre-cooler 2: order planned jan-Feb 2016, installation Jan 2017 Precooler compression system: Orginal baseline: two compression systems: backup & possible higher flow A spare «free» compressor was retrieved from CNRS Grenoble, identical to the existing S26. Second compression station: necessary only if required cooldown speed is increased. Second S26 STAL compressor to be used as spare. Also spare motor + all critical parts to limit possible downtime. Change request: do not procure second compression system. Prepare all interfaces for possible upgrade. Updated schedule: All systems delivered by end of July 2016 Commissioning in September-October 2016 Fully compatible with planned test schedule for S-FRS magnets Second connection/commissioning for precooler 2 to be planned in 2017.
A. Perin, TE/CRG, Page 10 New proposed baseline 2/2 (EVM in work) Ongoing work: new baseline proposal to be formalized 16 Oct.
A. Perin, TE/CRG, Page 12 Project update 1/2 Schedule and budget: new baseline for 18th October. Target date for cryo commissioning end: Oct OK. But very critical for local resources. B279 Detailed integration of compression stations ongoing. Noise measurement performed on 18 th August: 10 dB too high. Envisaged solution: local insulation of compressors. Target date: 30 th of October for detailed plan & drawings. S26 compressor(s): “spare” compressor back from CEA Grenoble this week. Major overhauling of compressor is being prepared. Mayekawa compressor: second meeting held on 24th September. Scope of contract adjusted. No show stoppers. Refurbishment of the Distribution Valve Box: work ongoing.
A. Perin, TE/CRG, Page 13 Project update 2/2 B180 TCF200 cold box: Linde Visit 23rd September. Cold box to be sent to Linde Nov-Dec 2015.Leak tests to be performed before shipment. ✔ Cryo valves: Detailed design approved. Ok. ✔ Cryo distribution: Contract signed with Kriosystem (Poland). Kickoff meeting done 18th Sept. Detailed design ongoing. Ok. ✔ Lhe dewar: spec. ready be shipped for Price enquiry. ✔ Precooler 1: detailed design ongoing. Warm piping & gas management:PFD under preparation. Critical for next steps. LN2 system: draft specification done. Target: price enquiry by end October. ✔ Pre-cooler 2: work on spec to be restarted. Target: place order Jan-Feb 2016.
A. Perin, TE/CRG, Page 14 Detailed status: procurement 3 prototype tests are scheduled from November 2016 to September series tests from Nov 2017 to May 2021 Test rate will be 2 magnets / mont
A. Perin, TE/CRG, Page 15 Detailed status: refurbishment & non Its items 3 prototype tests are scheduled from November 2016 to September series tests from Nov 2017 to May 2021 Test rate will be 2 magnets / mont
A. Perin, TE/CRG, Page 16 CE Planning Required CE man power for CB and Precooler1 available thanks to the participation of 2 technical staff + 1 fellow + 1 student in order to readjust personnel allocation to other projects
A. Perin, TE/CRG, Page 17 List of equipment Existing equipment, all instrumentation to be refurbished Cold box 6 g/s of liquefaction capacity or 1'200 refrigeration Distribution Valve Box (DVB). To be modified. 9 kW pre-cooler including 50 g/s compressor (maintenance required) GHe buffer, 5 x 80 m 3 for 5 m 3 of Lhe New equipment required Compressor station for cold box, m=150 g/s at 18 bar Dryer 10 kW pre-cooler including 15 kW heater inclusive of compressor station 50 g/s including buffer. Satellite 15 kW heater to implemented to the existing 10 (9) kW pre-cooler 1 Connection valve box (CVB) 3 satellite valve boxes (SVB) including instrumentation 3 cryogenic lines between the distribution valve box and satellite valve boxes 4 cryogenic lines between two pre-coolers and 3 satellite valve boxes (including 10 valves, 2+6+2, integrated in SVB) LHe dewar, V min = 5 m 3 of LN tank, 50 m 3 Cryogenic infrastructure