Types of Lines
Horizontal lines are left/right lines. They reminds us of oceans, horizon, body at rest. Communicate calmness, relaxed, balance, stability, peace, quietness.
Vertical lines are up/down lines. They reminds us of standing, fences, trees, skyscrapers and soldiers. Communicate height, stability, dignity, strength, pride.
Diagonal lines are at angles. They remind us of planes in the sky, a falling tree, rays of sunlight. Communicate action, movement, tension, battle, nervousness, anxiety.
Curved line are rounded, not straight. Communicates fluid movement, rolling, tumbling, curling, bending. Reminds us of clouds, roller coasters, spiraling smoke.
Zig Zag lines are straight lines that move in a back and forth rhythm.
Outlines define the outer edge of an object. There are no lines inside the lines making the basic shape.
Structural lines hold a design together.
Gesture lines are energetic lines that catches movement of an active figure.
A sketch line is a quick line that captures the impression of an object or place.
Calligraphy lines are elegant and go from thick to thin.
Contour lines describe the shape and form of an object.
An implied line is a suggested line (not drawn) in a design.
Objects appear as lines from far away, a winding road, river, speeding train, and a row of trees. Your eyes fill in the gaps creating implied lines.
Line of sight is an implied line from figure to object it’s looking at, directing the viewer’s eyes.
Line Personality
Line personality refers to characteristics of a line, such as direction, movement, quality and weight.
Line quality adds to the personality of a line. Nervous quick strokes can evoke tension or drama, fuzzy, blurred lines might suggest a dreamy or mysterious mood.
The artist’s mood or purpose will determine the kind of line used. The personality of a line can suggest different moods or feelings.
By knowing how to read lines, it will help you understand the meaning of artwork.
Line combinations are a mixture of different line types and personalities.