Effective use of visual aids
Session objectives Session objectives: At the end of the session participants are able to: Explain the guidelines for the use of Visual Aids. List useful tips for preparing Visual Aids.
Introduction *Source: Mansel Dinnis Communications 86% 7% 4% 2%1% Introduction Handouts Flip chart OHP Multimedia projector White/Blackboard Pinboard Video - How people gather information -
Introduction Handouts Flip chart OHP Multimedia projector White/Blackboard Pinboard Video 90% of what they do themselves 50% of what they see and hear - Retention rate of adult learners - 10% of what they read 30% of what they see 20% of what they hear 70% of what they discuss Introduction
Handouts Flip chart OHP Multimedia projector White/Blackboard Pinboard Video Strengths Weaknesses When to use Handouts
Introduction Handouts Flip chart OHP Multimedia projector White/Blackboard Pinboard Video Do’s Don’ts Handouts
Introduction Handouts Flip chart OHP Multimedia projector White/Blackboard Pinboard Video Strengths Can be pre-prepared Easy to refer back Can be re-used Weaknesses Small - difficult to see When to use To write objectives To refer back To keep and see over and over again Flip chart
Introduction Handouts Flip chart OHP Multimedia projector White/Blackboard Pinboard Video Do’s Big letters Key points only Max 10 lines Permanent markers, use colours Paste on walls Pre-prepare, pre-sketch, details in small letters Use tags and corner grip Don’ts Over crowd / clutter Keep marker open Use unnecessary lines, balls, arrows, etc. Flip chart
Introduction Handouts Flip chart OHP Multimedia projector White/Blackboard Pinboard Video Strengths Easy to use High attention Weaknesses Needs electricity When to use Over head projector (OHP)
Introduction Handouts Flip chart OHP Multimedia projector White/Blackboard Pinboard Video Do’s Key points only 6 lines, 7-8 words per line Font size 24 or bigger Over lapping Project to white board / writing on transparency Thermal, ink-jet OHP markers (permanent / erasable) Emergency back-up Don’ts Keeping it “on” when not in use Over crowd / clutter Over head projector (OHP)
Introduction Handouts Flip chart OHP Multimedia projector White/Blackboard Pinboard Video Strengths High attention High-tech, charts, pictures, photos, etc Animation Weaknesses Expensive Needs high skill Needs power When to use Multimedia projector
Introduction Handouts Flip chart OHP Multimedia projector White/Blackboard Pinboard Video Do’s Test before using Keep emergency back-up Number of slides (10 – 12 per one hour presentation) Key points, font type, bigger font size Don’ts Use too much colours, pictures etc Over animation, over slide transitions Over crowd Use abbreviations Use for long durations (black screen) Multimedia projector
Introduction Handouts Flip chart OHP Multimedia projector White/Blackboard Pinboard Video Strengths Cheaper than other tools Available Easy to use Weaknesses Can not be kept to refer back When to use For discussions, brainstorming Visualize bigger picture / over view White / Blackboard
Introduction Handouts Flip chart OHP Multimedia projector White/Blackboard Pinboard Video Do’s Big letters, clear and neat Plan what to write Use colours (blue / black) White board markers / close after use Erase after use Stand on the side Keep board in central or corner position Use ruler to draw lines Don’ts Talk to board Cover the board Use abbreviations / parts of words White / Blackboard
Introduction Handouts Flip chart OHP Multimedia projector White/Blackboard Pinboard Video Strengths Participatory Can be used as a planning tool (meta planning) Weaknesses If not structured it can confuse more Can get messy When to use Brainstorming Discussion Pinboard
Introduction Handouts Flip chart OHP Multimedia projector White/Blackboard Pinboard Video Do’s Clear and neat Short & simple key points Use of colour Zopp/flash cards Big letters / maximum 3 lines Pre-prepared cards Numbering of cards Don’ts Messing up of cards Pinboard
Introduction Handouts Flip chart OHP Multimedia projector White/Blackboard Pinboard Video Strengths Visualize real life situation High attention Both Video and Audio Weaknesses Difficult and costly to produce When to use To train process steps or procedures Video
Introduction Handouts Flip chart OHP Multimedia projector White/Blackboard Pinboard Video Do’s Give a brief introduction before starting Analyze and draw the learning points after the show Don’ts Disturb the the viewers during the show Video
Session objectives Session objectives: At the end of the session participants are able to: Explain the guidelines for the use of Visual Aids. List useful tips for preparing Visual Aids.
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