CONNECT Architecture (Versions 2.3 and 2.4) Cross Community Patient Discovery (XCPD) and XDR Overview MONDAY, 2:00 – 2:00PM Greg Fairnak, CONNECT Chief Architect (Contractor) Federal Health Architecture, Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT
What’s new in 2.3? CONNECT 2.3 is the latest version of the CONNECT Solution. Released in January 2010, the new version is designed to comply with NHIN specifications. One of the significant improvements made possible by CONNECT 2.3 is the move from subject discovery to patient discovery. Additional benefits of CONNECT 2.3 include: – Supports both Linux and Windows platforms – The ability to expire patient correlations (time to live) – The gateway can now be configured to be FIPS compliant – A document query interface that supports additional queries – Enhanced access consent and authorization framework opt in, opt out to restrict by document type, XDS.b meta model – The ability to receive asynchronous or synchronous Web services calls HIMSS 20102
Tentatively planned for 2.4 MITA Medicaid Eligibility Verification Adapter check UDDI & Certificate Authority Enhancements C-HIEP & XDR Push Enhancements (Document Submission) DoD Adapter Contribution (Plug-in) Memory and Build Time Enhancements Move from EJB to Pojo Web Services IDE Project Neutral Build Scripts Enhance the Universal Client to support Patient Discovery (xcpd, pix->pdq, announce model to query model ) HIMSS 20103
XCPD Invoke audit log Yes Receives XCPD request Establish Patient Correlation Send demographics and patient id Receive response message Send request message Send empty msg Service enabled? Pass-through mode Query MPI No Yes Activity Initial Adapter I/F Invoke Policy Engine? Patient id available in request message? Responding Gateway Requesting Gateway act Inbound – Receive XCPD message Demographics and patient id Yes No Single match found? No Invoke Policy Engine? Demographics Yes Empty message No HIMSS 20104
XDR – Push Initiate XDR request message Receive XDR request message Invoke audit log Create XDR message Invoke Policy Engine Invoke audit log to log request Get connection info from connection manager Send XDR request Receive XDR request Send Ack to initiating gateway Initiating Gateway Responding Gateway Organization Activity Initial Activity Final Yes No Policy check passed? act Outbound HIMSS 20105
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