ALICE Full Dress Rehearsal ALICE TF Meeting 02/08/07
GDC DAQ FXS HLT FXS DCS FXS DAQ Monitoring AliEn FC CAF CASTO R T2 T1 T0 Reco FDR Schema HLT Simulate d RAW Shuttl e LDC ECS DCS Train analysis DA DA DADADA 2 pass calibratio n 2 pass alignment ESD friends ? Train analysis MC productio n Analysis Prompt analysis CPU quotas Disk quotas MonitoringQuotasMonitoringQuotas MonitoringQuotas xrootd xrootd xrootd fts CEs CEsxrootd QA ESD / Reco QA QA QA QA QA MC QA
Phases of the FDR (I) 1st Phase: Data flow –The raw data: DAQ Accepted the use data from cosmic rays –Two available windows in January and April for simulation –Fully prevalence from October 2007 Although this will not mean a nominal data date, this will be achieved including detector data from TDR Inclusion of all subdetectors totally transparent for the FDR –From LDC to T1 sites reconstruction->T1 ->T2->T1 –HLT Included from the beginning of the FDR
2nd Phase:Shuttle OCDB Grid File Catalog DIM trigger ECS Run Logbook DAQ FXS DB FXS DCS arch. DB DCS FXS DB FXS HLT FXS DB FXS SHUTTLE TRDMPHSPD TPC... Pending issue: AMANDA debug for DCS arch.DB access
DA, QA DA: Stand-alone tools running within LDC –Associated to Shuttle by providing input information Pending the DAQ Monitoring setup –They still depend on DAQ to install the DA software Requiring real simulated data from DAQ
Time schedule of the FDR: Preliminary Middle September 2007 –Definition of the strategy October 2007 –Cosmic Rays data taking (full prevalence) November 2007 end 2007 –T0-T1 exercise –Full data rate not highest priority Next Year –Two windows in January and April for simulation of data –Data nominal rate
Preparing the strategy
IT Requirements CAF will be tested in parallel to FDR Access from proof WNs to data stored in Castor through users jobs. Definition of the following parameters required: –Number of users accessing data; –Time for the analysis and processing; –Specific event size; –Data access pattern; –Individual analysis access; –Download of files in the local disk space of WNs or read access from Castor; »Global collection of data downloaded to proof and available to all users »Possibility to define user collection of data also downloaded to WNs
xrootd-CASTOR The new xrootd-castor interface will be part of the next major Castor release which will be deployed during the 1 st half of September 2007 During August-September the xrootd setup needs to be defined in detail and the responsibilities between ALICE and IT clarified
Next Steps Definition of the FDR strategy completed Strategy defined in terms of resources and requirements with