School 618 Teacher Tikhnenko G.N. Saint Petersburg, 2012.
1.Warming up. 2.Famous translators. 3.New words. 4.Group work : Reconstruction of poems by its translation. 5.Home Work.
1.Fill in the gaps. One,____, three Look at ___. f five twoyou me 2.Put the words in the correct colomn. Toy lane pair spy Boy mane bear dry Plane,pear,enjoy,fly,my.Jane,fair,sky WARMING UP
What do we use writing a poem? Rythm Logic Rhyme Sense of the poetry Harmony of the sounds Content Forms and accents in the words Coordination of the dimensions in each line
What do we use translating a poem? Logic Harmony of the sounds Content Coordination of the dimensions in each line
SAMUIL MARSHAKKORNEY CHUKOVSKY Russian poet, translator Russian poet, translator
Translation from English into Russian. The three main ways of translation. Translating a poem you can save: 1. Content Rythm Form 2. Content Rythm 3. Content 1.Whole translation 2.Partly translated ( new form ) 3.New poem with the old content
ENGLISH POEMTranslated by Marshak ГВОЗДЬ И ПОДКОВА He было гвоздя - Подкова пропала. Не было подковы - Лошадь захромала. Лошадь захромала - Командир убит. Конница разбита, Армия бежит. Враг вступает В город, Пленных не щадя,- Оттого, что в кузнице Не было гвоздя! ?
*** For want of a nail The shoe was lost, For want of a shoe The horse was lost, For want of a horse The rider was lost, For want of a rider The battle was lost, For want of a battle The kingdom was lost, And all for the want Of a horse shoe nail. ALGORITHM: For want of a... The... was lost, Battle Horse Rider Kingdom Nail shoe The end of a poem: And all for the want Of a horse shoe nail. Reconstruct the poem,using its translation. Key words:
ENGLISH POEMTranslated by Marshak *** For want of a nail The shoe was lost, For want of a shoe The horse was lost, For want of a horse The rider was lost, For want of a rider The battle was lost, For want of a battle The kingdom was lost, And all for the want Of a horse shoe nail. ГВОЗДЬ И ПОДКОВА He было гвоздя - Подкова пропала. Не было подковы - Лошадь захромала. Лошадь захромала - Командир убит. Конница разбита, Армия бежит. Враг вступает В город, Пленных не щадя,- Оттого, что в кузнице Не было гвоздя! Answer the questions: What way of translation did Marshak use? Did he save content? / rythm? / form ?
Robin the Bobbin, the big-bellied Ben, He ate more meat than fourscore men; He ate a cow, he ate a calf, He ate a butcher and a half, He ate a church, he ate a steeple, He ate the priest and all the people! A cow and a calf, An ox and a half, A church and a steeple, And all the good people, And yet he complained That his stomach wasn't full. Try to guess what poem we are going to talk about?
РОБИН-БОББИН Робин-Боббин Кое-как Подкрепился Натощак: Съел теленка Утром рано, Двух овечек И барана, Съел корову Целиком. И прилавок С мясником, Сотню жаворонков в тесте, И коня с телегой вместе, Пять церквей и колоколен - Да еще и недоволен! (Перевод С. Я. Маршака) БАРАБЕК (как нужно дразнить обжору) Робин Бобин Барабек Скушал сорок человек, И корову, и быка, И кривого мясника. И телегу, и дугу; И метлу, и кочергу. Скушал церковь, скушал дом, И кузницу с кузнецом, А потом и говорит: "У меня живот болит". (Перевод К. И. Чуковского) Compare these two translations.
MarshakChukovsky Content Rythm Form Put down the mark 1-5. Whose translation do you like more and why?
HOME WORK. You can choose one of the following tasks: 1.Write a composition about famous translators.(50-60 words) [Name / When and where was he /she born? / What did he / she translate? / What did he / she do else? / Why did you decide to write about him / her?] 2.Choose one of the children’s poems and try to translate it. 2A. - like a poem ( saving content and rythme). 2B. – like an ordinary text. You can find children’s poems in the internet. For example, link: