English Literature examinations Unit 1 18 th May Section A: Prose ‘Of Mice and Men’ or ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ Section B: Unseen poetry Unit 2 22 nd May Play (‘An Inspector Calls’, ‘Blood Brothers’, or ‘A View From The Bridge’) Prose (‘A Christmas Carol’ or ‘Heroes’)
Qu 1 Extract question. Students respond to an essay question relating to a short passage from the text. 20 mins. (10 marks) Qu 2 Essay question Students have a choice of two questions and must answer one. These relate to character, setting and themes. 40 mins. (20 marks)
Buy or borrow a copy of the novel or play. Read, read and read again. Learn key quotations for each of the characters, settings and themes Use revision cards, post-its, mindmaps. Keep them brief so they are easier to remember. Students should know something of the context- what life was like at the time the text is set and attitudes towards significant themes (e.g. treatment of women, racism, economic climate) Students should be aware of techniques the writer uses to create effect
Write chapter /scene summaries. Create a timeline of events. Draw pictures of key images. Plan responses to past questions. Complete past questions under timed conditions.
Websites: h_literature h_literature Use revision packs
Students will be given two unseen poems and have to compare them. ‘Write about both poems and their effect on you. Show how they are similar and different. You may wish to include some or all of these points: The content of the poems- what they are about The ideas the poet may have wanted us to think about The mood or atmosphere of the poem How they are written – words and phrases you find interesting the way they are organised Your responses to the poem
Practise, practise, practise Choose any two poems on a similar theme and compare how the writers use language to convey their ideas. Students must focus on the effect of language on the reader.
Create a detailed and realistic revision timetable Revise in chunks of 20 minutes, followed by 10 minute break Revise your weakest areas/texts Reading is the least effective form of revision Write and rewrite notes Talk about characters Test knowledge of key quotes Plan essays- even if you don’t write them