Found Poems Found poems take existing texts and refashion them, reorder them, and present them as poems. Found poems are the literary equivalent of a collage Found poetry is often made from newspaper articles, street signs, graffiti, speeches, letters, or even other poems. A pure found poem consists exclusively of outside texts: the words of the poem remain as they were found, with few additions or omissions. Decisions of form, such as where to break a line, are left to the poet… May 18, 2016
Your Tasks: Choose a page. READ THE BACK BEFORE STARTING. Make sure you understand the requirements and the questions you have to answer about your poem. Use pencil to first go through and circle the lines that jump out at you. Refine your choices. Edit. Revise. Give your poem a TITLE. Make sure it’s on the top of your page. Finalize your poem by giving it a fitting artistic appearance. Use colored pencil or crayon, NOT MARKER. Due Friday.