Economic Regeneration & Strategic Housing The role of Strategic Housing in an ever changing environment. Mary G McBride Head of Strategy & Enabling
Role of local government The ultimate purpose of local government is to take responsibility for the well being of an area and its communities, reflecting its identity and promoting the interests and future prosperity. ( Sir Michael Lyons – 2007 Independent review of local govt that led to Place shaping Agenda )
What is Strategic Housing? Strategic Housing is at the heart of achieving social, economic and environmental objectives that shape a community:- An appropriate balance of good quality housing providing choice, variety and is accessible. Existing housing New provision
The Strategic Housing Role And Make Sure it Can Happen What are the key trends (supply & demand, demographics, prices & wages, migration from one area to another, homelessness,etc)? What are the priorities (attracting economic investment, regenerating priority areas, etc) What can be achieved through the existing housing stock? And what new development is needed? Analyse Needs and Set Strategy Make use of All The Existing Stock Making sure it is about all tenures, not just council or social stock Making sure it is good quality and attractive to live in Making sure it is being used Plan and Commission Housing Support Services Plan and Facilitate New Stock Using housing as a focus (e.g. links to worklessness & home-working agendas etc.) Offering choices and support Understanding and influencing the local housing market Enabling and attracting in new development Making sure it is not just housing (schools, jobs, infrastructure etc.) Maintaining the right strategic links and partnerships (within the authority, with local partners, with Homes & Communities Agency) Making sure that delivery bodies and agents have the capacity to deliver
Some of the things that we do Commission Private Sector Stock condition surveys & manage process Develop in house housing needs surveys for rural communities to support planning evidence base Work in partnership to develop Central Lancashire and Mid Lancashire housing policy Update Strategic Housing Market Assessments (SHMA) Regional & sub Regional Housing Strategy – Quality, Quantity & People Preston Housing Delivery Plan Tenure Strategy Review of Housing Policy i.e. Private Sector Housing Renewal Policy Work with RSL partners to commission new Affordable Housing Work with Developers to bring forward new Housing developments Work with LCC & vol sector organisations to ensure specific client group needs are met. Disseminate information, Collate & Respond to govt consultation documents Share information across the wider housing partnership both within PCC and across Lancashire Work with the NHC and the NW Housing forum to represent the interests of Preston and the wider North West.
What does this mean in reality? Housing is facing the greatest period of change since the introduction of the homelessness legislation in the 1970`s On going Comprehensive Spending Review reductions will continue to shrink the local economies (25%+) Local Government concentrates more on its core business- leaving gaps Delivering a new Administrations manifesto on Housing Increased work with health – Healthy lives, Healthy People Reduction in national targets and benchmarking Collaborative working both in the back office and service delivery Prevention work gives way to fire fighting Need for interventions increase but The Big Society is unconstructed and will be what we make of it.
Future landscape There is a new impetus to innovation, service shaping, and new provision comes from local imagination and partnership working Existing and new needs groups Develop with limited priority in existing structures Increased role for the third sector ┼Opportunity to redefine our relationship with PRS –Potentially no longer the default choice for the most needy, individuals & families on low incomes –May become more difficult for us to find landlords willing to take our client groups at a cost LHA and the client can afford
Private Sector Housing 70% of the housing needed in 2050 is with us now! Private Sector Stock approx 49,000 Owner occupiers - 66% Private rented approx 15% In Preston there are 13,040 (31.8%) owner occupied non decent properties and 3,180 (41.3%) privately rented. ( PSSCS 2007 ) Low rise purpose built flats have the highest rate of failure of the Decent Homes Standard at 52.9%, converted flats (49.9%) Small terraced houses at 44.6%. To address all non decency categories would cost £49.3 million of which £40 million is needed for cat 1 hazards. The total comprehensive cost, for all private sector dwellings in Preston, whether they meet the Decent Homes Standard or not, is £218.6 million. ( PSSCS 2007) Much has been achieved since 2007 but more still to be done !!!
Local Housing Allowance & HB reforms Reformed 2010 by the coalition government and DWP Changes effect existing and new tenants Rent ceiling now lower quartile Changes designed to cut the Housing Benefit costs to Government Absolute Caps introduced to rent assistance Subsequent LHA rates will be based on consumer price index rather than market rents. Initial assessment of changes to date show potential loss of £4 million to the local economy DWP now moving to review HB to supported housing which has potential for more loss and confusion.
New Opportunities in a changing environment Challenging environment Local Authority contribution- less cash more facilitating and enabling Real role in setting the agenda Realizing our skills base Partnership working outside structures i.e Joint working Shared services Building from the “Local”