G E N E T I C E N G I N E E R I N G By Szymon Stańczak
PolandSwedenItalyCroatia A. Should genetic therapy be allowed (that is replacing genes in living humans)? Yes? No? Yes, genetic therapy will be allowed and used. It will be allowed, but only to make medical changes. Genetic therapy should be allowed just in case of severe diseases or physical disabilities. Yes, it should be allowed.
PolandSwedenItalyCroatia B. If it should be allowed, would there be some regulations on when it would be allowed? No regulations, it would be up to everyone if one would like to improve their own body organs function like muscular strength, the capacity of the lungs or brain capacity. To treat serious diseases like sickle cell anemia and cystic fibrosis? To treat physical defects like genetically caused hearing loss or color blindness? For other reasons? There will be regulations concerning the use of genetic therapy. It will be allowed only to treat serious genetic diseases. Besides, this area of medicine is not developed enough. So there must be continued widespread researches because there is still danger to destroy healthy gene during the therapy. There will be some regulations, you are not allowed to use it to improve muscular strength or your brain capacity. It’s only allowed to use it to treat serious diseases and to treat physical defects and disabilities which can improve by the help of genetic therapy. It would not be used to improve body organs, but only to treat serious diseases and severe physical defects. Yes, there would be some regulations. It would be used to threat serious diseases like sickle cell anemia and cystic fibrois, it would also be used to threat physical defects like genetically caused hearing loss or color blindness.
PolandSwedenItalyCroatia C. Should you allow genetic testing of embryos? Yes? No? Yes, we’ll allow genetic testing of embryos. It should be allowed, it’s the parents decision to make. Genetic testing on embryos should be allowed in some cases. Yes, we should allow it.
PolandSwedenItalyCroatia D. If it should be allowed, would there be some regulations on when it would be allowed? No regulations, it would be up to the parents to investigate if the child has good or bad genetic qualities In case of high risk of severe disabilities or disorders due to illnesses in the parents genetic history? To investigate if the child has risk for genetic illnesses in the future? For other reasons? There will be regulations that will allow genetic testing of embryos. It will be possible if there are illnesses in the parents genetic history. This will enable to treat the disease in an early stage - in a fetus, before it is born. However, sometimes parents after such tests have to take very difficult decision, especially if the fetus has severe deformations or diseases – decision about abortion. If so, it will be only parents, after thorough medical examination, who will be able to take such decision. No parliament, government or other body will have a law to do it. Only medical regulations should be allowed. Not on the personality or the appearance. It is up to the parents to investigate the fetus and decide if they want to do any medical changes. Only medical regulations can be made and it's up to the parents to decide if they want to find out if the fetus has any illnesses or can develop it later in life. Parents should be able to decide whether to make use of genetic testing to investigateIt if the child has any risk of genetic illnesses in the future. Yes, there would be some regulations. It would be allowed for investigateing if the child has risk for genetic illnesess in the future.
PolandSwedenItalyCroatia E. Should it be possible to do genetic engineering in embryos by replacing genes? Yes, people will have right to do genetic engineering in embryos We think that it will only be allowed if the baby has some kind of disease that affect the genes, but not to change the appearance or to get the skills you want your baby to have. Genetic engeneering of embryos will be possible on PromethEUs. Yes, it would be possible.
PolandSwedenItalyCroatia F. If it should be allowed, would there be some regulations on when it would be allowed? No regulations, it would be up to the parents to improve the child’s genes. In case of high risk of severe disabilities or disorders? To reduce the risk for genetic illnesses in the future? For other reasons? There will be regulations. According to them it will be possible to do genetic engineering in embryos in case of high risk of severe disabilities and to reduce the risk for genetic illnesses in the future. However, it will be definite ban of doing it if parents want to create “designed kids”. It can lead to denaturalization. You will not be able to change your child’s genes to change their appearance, only for medical reasons. If your child has a disability or a disease you will be able to change them, and to reduce the risk for genetic illnesses in the future. It would be allowed only to reduce the risk for genetic illnesses in the future. Parents won't be able to act on the child's genes just to improve their appearance. It would be allowed in case of high risk of severe disabilities or disorders and to reduce the risk for genetic illnesses in the future.
PolandSwedenItalyCroatia G. Should it be allowed to create synthetic plants? We realize that there is too little experience in creating synthetic plants and in consequences connected with it. That’s why first we want to make thorough research about any advantages and disadvantages of growing and eating such modified plants and then consequently, make decision. Yes it should be allowed to create synthetic plants. You can modify plants so they can survive dry seasons which can save lots of life in poor countries. Trees should also be modified so they can absorb more carbon dioxide. Medical plants and plants you can get food from should be modified so you can extract more from them. Creation of synthetic plants will not be allowed. No, it shouldn’t be allowed.
PolandSwedenItalyCroatia H. Should it be allowed to create synthetic animals? Yes? If so what kind of plants and for what reasons? No? No, we claim that any animal is a living organism and it would be cruel and unethical to try to modify a living creatures. If the animal doesn't suffer it's okay. If the animal is endanger you should be allowed to produce more of that kind of animal so they don't become extinct. If an animal becomes extinct it will have a massive influence on the ecosystem. Creation of synthetic animals will not be allowed. No, it shouldn’t be allowed.
PolandSwedenItalyCroatia I. Should it be allowed to create synthetic replacement organs for humans? Yes? No? It will be possible to create synthetic replacement organs for humans. It’s a great chance for people waiting for a transplant. What’s more thanks to this method it’s a high percentage of probability to accept the transplanted organ by a body. If the human is in danger and is in need of an organ transplant then we believe it will be allowed. If there is no possibility of getting an organ donor to donate it is okay to create a synthetic replacement organ. If there is no organ that matches the blood type and you don’t have time to wait for an organ donor, it could be a great opportunity “in healthcare”. Creation of synthetic organs will be allowed in order to replace non- functional organs. Yes, it should be allowed.