Standard 1.1-3: Human Activity has consequences on living organisms and ecosystems. Genetic Engineering Read about genetic engineering in section 9.4, pg Describe the social, economic, and ecological risks and benefits of genetic engineering in animals: Social: (+) Increased food (-) Ethical Issues Economic: (+) Increased food $$ (-) $$ to Study Ecological: (+) Engineered bacteria used for pollution cleanup (-) GM animals destroying the balance of ecosystems
Genetic Engineering 2. Describe the social, economic, ecological risks and benefits of genetic engineering in plants: Social: (+) Increased Food (-) Ethical Issues Economical: (+) Potential to produce large quantities of highly nutritious food (-) GM foods may become too $ for 3 rd world farmers Ecological: (+) Decreased need for pesticides (-) Unintended harm to other organisms
Human Activity 3. For each section in chapter 16, describe the social, economic, and ecological risks and benefits of changing a natural ecosystem as a result of human activity: a Human Population Growth and Natural Resources: Social: Human Lifestyle Economic: Cost of Nonrenewable vs. Renewable Resources Ecological: Ecological Footprint
Human Activity b Air Quality: Social: Trying to get humans to live more environmentally friendly Economic: Burning of fossil fuels Ecological: Impact on living species Smog Acid Rain Greenhouse Effect
Human Activity c Water Quality: Social Recreational Use Human Health Economical: Who owns water? Ecological: Health of Aquatic Organisms
Human Activity d. Threats to Biodiversity: Social: Aesthetic appreciation for biodiversity Economical: Unknown medical treatments Ecological: high biodiversity = healthy ecosystem 1. Introduced/Invasive Species: any organism that was brought to an ecosystem as the result of human actions
Standard 2.1-5: Personal and community health can be affected by the environment, body function, and human behavior.
Disease 1. Some diseases can be predicted by genetic testing. How does this affect parental and community decisions? Read 9.6, pg to help answer this question. There are about 900 tests for genetic disorders It can save lives and lead to some difficult choices
Immune System 2. The body produces antibodies to fight disease. Read about this process in 31.2, pg and summarize it below. You become immune to a pathogen by making antibodies that are specific to the pathogen’s antigens. The next time this pathogen tries to invade your cells, your immune system recognizes it and makes antibodies to attack it. 3. Read about how vaccines are developed on pg 896 and describe a “vaccine response” below: Vaccines contain the antigen of a pathogen. The antigen causes your body to produce memory cells, but you will not get sick.
Cancer 4. Cell cycle regulation is necessary for healthy growth. Cell division is uncontrolled in cancer. Read about cancer on pg 138 and explain how cancer cells develop below: Cancer: the common name for a class of diseases characterized by uncontrolled cell division. a. What are some risk factors for developing cancer? Lifestyle, Genetics, Environment