Genetic Engineering Pros & Cons “Genetic engineering is a laboratory technique used by scientists to change the DNA of living organisms, (What is Genetic Engineering).” “Tomatoes are sensitive to frost. This shortens there growing season. Fish, on the other hand, survive in very cold water. Scientists identified a particular gene which enables a flounder to resist cold and used the technology of genetic engineering to insert this ‘anti-freeze’ into a tomato. This makes it possible to extend the growing season of the tomatoes, (What is Genetic Engineering).” “Many crops such as rice, maize, and potatoes are being genetically engineered in several ways. Proponents argue that the benefits are many; 1) higher crop yields 2) more nutritious food 3) crops can be grown in harsh environments 4) they are more resistant to pests thus eliminating the use of potentially hazardous pesticides 5) undesirable characteristics can be removed 6) food can have a better flavour and a longer shelf life and 7) they can also be used as a cheap source of medicine. To treat many life-threatening illnesses genetic engineering aims to replace faulty genes with perfect working copies. The potential is incredible. However, whilst there have been some small successes in gene therapy trials to cure vision impairment and also X-SCID (where people lack an effective immune system) - it's fair to say that so far the technology hasn't lived up to expectations. It's an extraordinarily difficult job to get a gene to exactly where you want it in the body, and for it to function in the way that you want it to. Plus our expectations were probably too high from the start (Paul).” “In terms of gene therapy this can be a dangerous procedure. A virus is being used as a vector to get the genes inside, and some fear that even though the virulence factors have been silenced, danger is still at hand. There's also a risk that a gene could land in a spot other than where you want it and cause harm by being expressed in unusual ways. There have been several deaths in gene therapy trials, most famously that of Jesse Gelsinger in 1999.gene therapy Opposition to the use of genetic engineering in food and agriculture centres on several fears. Namely that any gene for herbicide resistance may spread into other crops and create some form of superweed; or that a genetic modification that is passed on say through pollination, might pose a hazard to the ecosystem. There's also a concern that unusual gene expression may lead to crops causing more allergic reactions in consumers. There are many more pros and cons of genetic engineering than the few that are listed here, and all are argued passionately by advocates on both sides, many clutching reams of data to back up their arguments. That makes it very difficult for the lay person to understand exactly what is going on, especially when combatants (if that's not too strong a word) seem equally eminent and well qualified. What is certain is that even though many are concerned with its speed of introduction, fearing that it is going too fast for society to understand any and all possible implications, genetic engineering is here to stay (Paul).”
Work Cited Page “What is Genetic Engineering.” Mothers of Natural Law. 23 June Paul. “Pros and Cons of Genetic Engineering.” Bright Hub. 24 May June /articles/15678.aspx. /articles/15678.aspx