July 12, 2010 – Slide 1 IIMCG Meeting #17 ESA Technology in IIM Sergio D ’ Elia - EOP-GT - ESRIN
July 12, 2010 – Slide 2 IIMCG Meeting #17 Research / Service Support environments MEA Information Based Services Information Based Services SSE Application Development Application Development RDSs / CPE Ontology / Semantics Ontology / Semantics Interactive Analysis Interactive Analysis Image Collections Image Collections Products / Information Products / Information KIM Systematic / On-demand Processing Systematic / On-demand Processing Online Archive Online Archive G-POD GSCDA KEO
July 12, 2010 – Slide 3 IIMCG Meeting #17 Service Support Environment Several evolutions ongoing / planned (with ESA, EU, Walloon Region funds): HMA-T, FEDEO, SSEGrid, FP6 InterRisk, FP7 GENESIS, 3WSA, etc. Next Portal based on Liferay Portlet-Framework and JSF oStandard-based JSR 286 portlets oShould also support remote portlets (OASIS WSRP) oExternal portlets integrated without software changes oEasier deployment and maintenance oCustomisable rich service pages Software is the backbone for various Portals
July 12, 2010 – Slide 4 IIMCG Meeting #17 Grid-Processing On Demand Resources o10% yearly increase oAdded the UK PAC cluster for ATSR o~ 180 TB of online data (mainly Envisat and ERS) Services (examples) oMERIS Level-3 Products (11 daily; 1 monthly; JRC algorithm) oASAR GM mapping of Antarctica (daily 400-m mosaics on ESA Web Map Server) oVolcanoes Monitoring by Infrared (RT AATSR thermal anomalies; > 300 volcanoes) oRiver and Lake Processor (heights from RA2; NRT; online ) oFAIRE 2: flood mapping service (for International Charter and RESPOND) oMGVI on-demand (1km vegetation on user area and aggregation period) oAeromeris (extraction of pixels and statistics from MERIS L2 over user-area) oImager (multi-mission tools); MIRAVI Geo-toolbox (geocoding of MERIS FR images)
July 12, 2010 – Slide 5 IIMCG Meeting #17 Reference Data Sets (~ 50; some provide links) (A)ATSR-like, Land Cover oAATSR Test Dataset oBaltic Sea Region database (BALANS) oCORINE Land Cover 2000 (CLC2000) oAfrican Land Cover Database (FAO Africover) oGlobal Climatologic-based Land Cover Classification (Ecoclimap) LANDSAT-like, Land Cover oNOAA Coastal Change Analysis Program (C-CAP) oCustomized Worldwide RDS oMinnesota Land Cover Classification System oRegione Emilia Romagna oWisconsin Land Cover Use oU.S. Landsat Based Land Cover Database (NLCD2001) SPOT-like, Land Use oBolzano land use database oCustomised Worldwide RDS oKalideos database oRegione Lombardia land use database oSPOT Test Dataset Ice Applications oSvartisen Glacier, Norway, Glacier Facies Classification, (Landsat) oHofsjokull Glacier, Iceland, Glacier Facies Classification, (ERS/ENVISAT) oNorth coast of Newfoundland, Canada, Iceberg Monitoring, Ship Detection (ENVISAT) oBaltic Sea, Sea Ice Thickness Measurements (ENVISAT) Interferometry oInSAR Post-Processing: height and velocity measurements Ortho-rectification / Co-registration oMaussane les Alpilles oThun oMIR - Multiple Image Registration AVNIR-2, Cloud Cover oAVNIR-2 Test Dataset oCustomised RDS IIMvLab oESA EUSC JRC 2009 oL'Aquila Earthquake
July 12, 2010 – Slide 6 IIMCG Meeting #17 KEO status KEO system at ESRIN oAcceptance completed oFinal problems reported (major one: actuator impact on KEO system) oNew test environment installed oInstallation and acceptance tests will be repeated as soon as problems fixed Processing Components oESA accepted CLIs = 99(192 in total) oESA accepted FEPs= 86 (260 in total) oJAVA = 135 oWS = 1
July 12, 2010 – Slide 7 IIMCG Meeting #17 KEO applications (high level FEPs) Recent oAVNIR-2 Multispectral Cloud Mask oAVNIR-2 L0 Multispectral Cloud Mask oSingle Date Vegetation Map oVegetation Change Assessment oSingle Date Snow Cover Map oSnow Cover Change Assessment oCandidate Burned Area Detection oSingle Date Inland Water Bodies Map oInland Water Bodies Change Assessment oCarbon Stock Estimation oImage Segmentation Forthcoming oForest Biomass and Carbon Stock Estimation oHydrogeological Hazard Assessment oFires and Burned areas monitoring oSolar radiation maps
July 12, 2010 – Slide 8 IIMCG Meeting #17 Main KLAUS deliveries (Dec 2010) KEO oSelf-installing software package (100 %) oSemantic search (50 %) oSSO integration (40 %) oNew monitoring system (100 %) oNew KEO website and tutorials (100 %) KIM oIngestion monitoring and restart procedure (20 %) oCRISP output generation (100 %) CPE oPerformance improvement (40%) oRemote KEO element (actuator) monitoring and control (50 %) oUTM to WGS-84 converter (100 %)
July 12, 2010 – Slide 9 IIMCG Meeting #17 Multi-sensor Evolution Analysis ( Objectives oDefine and apply Evolution Models across many years of (A)ATSR data oPrepare for multi-sensor / -resolution (AATSR 400m, ALOS 5m) Solutions oSOIL MAPPER®, for common classification of optical data oEarth-fixed grid: lat / long aligned Tiles 64x64 elements per Tile mission-specific element resolution oRemapping of classification onto Earth-fixed grid (remove seas / clouds)
July 12, 2010 – Slide 10 IIMCG Meeting #17 Multi-sensor Evolution Analysis Evolution models Permit to define (and apply) Evolution Models for a grid element over time in the feature (land cover class) domain Graphic EvolutionCharacteristicsFeature Winter Spring Summer Fall Winter: Bare soil or low Veg. Spring and early summer: Increase in vegetation From mid-summer to winter: Bare soil Non-permanent crop fields (with annual cycle) PERIODIC T0 T1 Mid-to-high vegetation at T0 Low vegetation/bare soil at T1 T1 = T0 + few days Candidate Burned areas TRANSITION Low Veg.Ice/snowBuilt-upBare SoilHigh Veg.Water
July 12, 2010 – Slide 11 IIMCG Meeting #17 Multi-sensor Evolution Analysis Visual Analysis Client Match No Match Within tolerance No data
July 12, 2010 – Slide 12 IIMCG Meeting #17 Ontology: GSCDA semantic search tool ( Multi-domain Graph CSGDA Taxonomy WS IF = OWL = Excel Graph’s Mapping WS IF Navigation Product search Multi-domain Vocabulary
July 12, 2010 – Slide 13 IIMCG Meeting #17 GSCDA Ontology v2 (SEPR) Product Category GSCDA Semantic Search Tool Product TypeSensorMissionDataset GSCDA Taxonomy water Definitions Band … Application Requirements Application Term Product Category Resolution Sensor Mode /Type Rules / Reasoning Multi-domain Graph Multi-domain Vocabulary Search path
July 12, 2010 – Slide 14 IIMCG Meeting #17 Semantic access to resources (KAOS) ProductProcessorService Processor CategoryProduct CategoryService Category Multi-domain Thesaurus Product Category Reasoner Application Req.s Product Charact.s Application Term Selected Processor Application Term Selected Service
July 12, 2010 – Slide 15 IIMCG Meeting #17 Semantic resource search / access (RARE)
July 12, 2010 – Slide 16 IIMCG Meeting #17 Forthcoming projects SEPR - Semantic rules for automated GMES products identification SMAAD - Semantic-web for Mediated Access Across Domains RARE - Rapid Response Support Server STO - Support to topology EOLib - The EO Image Librarian: EO image and geoinformation intelligence search engine DREAM - Decision Support and Real Time EO Data Management ASIM - Automatic, Semantic IIM from Time Series of VHR images OrthoRes - Co-registration / ortho-rectification service for research PFA - Product features extraction - Analysis