US Home Front WWII. What is a Victory Garden?!?!Victory Garden The radio broadcast is a form of propaganda. What is propaganda? Questions while you are.


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Presentation transcript:

US Home Front WWII

What is a Victory Garden?!?!Victory Garden The radio broadcast is a form of propaganda. What is propaganda? Questions while you are listening:

What is PROPAGANDA?! Ideas or statements that are often false or exaggerated and that are spread in order to help a cause

THE OFFICE OF WAR INFORMATION: The OWI was an United States government agency created during World War II to deliver propaganda both at home and abroad through radio broadcasts, newspapers, posters, photographs, films and other forms of media.

Themes of the US WWII Home Front 1.Patriotism/ volunteerism 2.Rationing 3.Mass Production 4.Limiting Personal Rights 5.Racism and Sexism 6.New Opportunities for Women and Minorities

Patriotism/Volunteerism: Patriotism: love that people feel for their country Volunteerism: volunteer work or community service

Rationing: a particular amount of something that the government allows you to have when there is not enough of it

Mass Production Every part of American society is mobilized to support the war effort to produce what the soldiers needed.

Limiting Personal Rights During war time the government suspended personal liberties in the name of the war effort such as freedom of speech.

Racism / Sexism poor treatment people because of their race / gender

New Opportunities for Women and Minorities Women and minorities find new jobs in factories producing for the war effort as well as serve in new roles in the armed forces.


DIRECTIONS: … for each propaganda poster 1.When you find a part of the poster that represents a theme, circle it and write the theme next to what you circled (posters may have more than one theme). 2.As a group decide, what the overall message of the poster is and write it on the back of the poster/ 3.Pick the home front theme you think the poster best represents and record it on your note sheet. One group will be randomly selected to present a poster for each theme.


DIRECTIONS: … for each propaganda poster 1.When you find a part of the poster that represents a theme, circle it and write the theme next to what you circled (posters may have more than one theme) 2.As a group decide, what the overall message of the poster is and write it on the back of the poster 3.Pick the home front theme you think the poster best represents and record it on your note sheet. One group will be randomly selected to present a poster for each theme.

What about these posters? What themes do you see?

Flying Tigers A group of American volunteer airmen that protected Chinese supply lines from Japanese attacks.

Tuskegee Airmen First African-American airmen in the US military who flew in segregated units during WWII.

Navajo Code Talkers Young Native American men were recruited to help develop a code based on the Navajo language and relay it in the field.

The Take Away: It took ALL parts of American society to win the war. Everyone pitched in on the war effort. While some rights were limited such as freedom of speech, other barriers were broken down for minorities and women. Sum up the American home front in your own words.