‘’Internationalization and innovation’’ Rabobank:Javier Alvarez de Eerens – Manager International desk Growpact:Bart den Hertog – Manager Growpact Date:
Good start, Great finish
‘’Social impact – Financial return’’ Bart den Hertog Manager Growpact
The Growpact dream ‘’By 2025 Growpact will support 50 Growpact-entrepreneurs, who reach small scale farmers, that produce over vegetable seedlings a year’’
Startup with international support
Viscon Group – Engineering your success Mechanizing and Automating Production Processes in Agro & Food ‘’Viscon aims to be the most excellent independent supplier, for solid, smart & innovative solutions in Agro & Food, worldwide’’
‘ Our story - history
Horti Systems Fresh Produce Hatchery Automation VinovoLogistics Industrial washing Supplies Control Software
Growpact – Viscon Group New business development (emerging markets) Contribute to food safety and food security Leading company with a green heart
Growpact - Partners
(Local) entrepreneurship is the key to success! Why Growpact? Local entrepreneurship – local commitment Farmers are the new Bankers
World Challanges Climate change Food (and nutrition) security Increasing of the world population – Urbanization Lack of (technical) knowledge
Source: World Resources Institute Developing countries are often times among the most vulnerable to climate change, given their fragile ecosystems. High percentages of dry land or desert make countries highly vulnerable to droughts and floods Climate change
Food – and nutrition - Security Food security "exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious* food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life" (UN World Food Summit) * nutrition security refers to essential vitamins and minerals required for a healthy development, esp. of children
World population - Urbanization
Think Smart! Smart-tech: - Low investment - Fully manual - Minimal amount electricity needed - Integration of proven technology Lack of knowledge Access to technology/machinery
The Growpact Toolbox GrowPact Seeding Essentials GrowPact Greenhouse & Storage Growing Materials GrowPact Watering Essentials GrowPact Academy GrowPact Tools
Growpact Target Market
Growpact Farmers Small – medium scale farmers 404 million (SMF’s) < 2 ha. Cooperatives Prominent growers Outsourcing of young plant production Test new varieties Urban farmers Urbanization Distribution channel / urban infrastructure
Growpact Investor Together with a local entrepreneurs Growpact will collaborate with: -Farmer cooperatives / local companies -Impact Investors -NGOs & United Nations -(local) Governments -Research and Innovation centers
Growpact Business model Local Entrepreneur Initial investment €200K Plastics/Machinery Franchise Fee Young plants Smart techniques Capital investment ROI / Interest Minority shareholding
Growpact Impact Social return Employement Education Food safety and Food quality Economic return Regional development Entrepreneurship Gate to emerging markets Financial return Profit (ROI)
Growpact challenges Considered the financial risk and local circumstances: For a financial institution, the initial investment of a Growpact nursery (€200K) seems to low. How can Growpact/the local entrepreneur get access to finance? How to find the balance between social- & finacial impact and return of investment?
‘’Internationalization and innovation’’
Javier Alvarez Manager International Desk
Client support on the African continent Banking solutions with Rabobank, Rabobank Foundation/Development and Dutch Government Partnerships with important banks on the continent Organiser of the Rabobank- NABC Ambassadors Diner Chairman of the Dutch Trade and Investment Board Africa working group Challenges or opportunities Legenda
Challenges or opportunities RABO Banking 4 Food
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