Fair Prices Adverse Selection Moral Hazard Contract Design : Costly State Verification Jeffrey H. Nilsen yields/editorschoice
Share Return and “Fair Price” Common stock promises share of firm’s future profits (residual since creditors repaid first) 1 st term: expected dividend yield 2 nd term: expected capital gain At t 0 : uncertain dividend & sale P Rearrange equation for simplest estimate of security’s “fair price” Use return on similar shares as discount rate (required rate of return) indicating share’s risk Expected return for holding equity for 1 period NB: similar to coupon bond held for 1 period
Gordon Dividend Growth Model estimates “fair” share P True value of share is PV (expected future cash flows) Assume constant dividend growth (at rate g): Next slide manipulates eqn (*) to derive Gordon’s model (as n gets large, influence of P n evaporates)
Gordon (equation manipulation) Multiply both sides by eqn (**) - (*) => “Gordon’s Model” Assume r > g so last term disappears Simplify
Gordon Model’s Macro Implication Monetary Policy Easing (rise in M S ): P 0 rises for 2 reasons: r eq falls (investors earn less on bonds) g rises as GDP rises If recession (slower GDP growth), g falls => P 0 falls Shiller uses Gordon model to argue share prices are not rational since are more volatile than their (Gordon-determined) fundamentals (assume r > g)
Direct Finance Subject to Adverse Selection (Lemons) Saver can’t evaluate asset quality, will pay only avg. P for asset Firm selling good asset knows savers pay only avg. market P Won’t sell its good asset on market since asset undervalued => few good assets in market, so market quality declines and few transactions So few firms with good assets issue shares & bonds (direct finance is not frequently utilized)
Mitigating Adverse Selection in Direct Finance: Provide Info ? Free-riding & mimicking => info under-provided S&P e.g. charges for info on issuing firms: but savers pass it on to friends who “free ride”. S&P can’t profit from publishing info If gov’t requires issuing firms to publish info, bad firms will copy info to look good (e.g. Enron) Borrowers always better informed than savers Bank’s specialty to find good borrowers. Traditionally kept loan on balance sheet so no saver could free ride on bank’s info
Mitigating Adverse Selection in Direct Finance: Other Mechanisms? Collateral is something of value given to bank if borrower defaults Borrower’s NW => borrower also suffers loss if project fails => aligns her incentives with those of lender
Moral Hazard in Equity (Principal – Agent problem) Managers (agents) are hired by owners (principals) but may not act to maximize owner’s profits. E.g. managers exert low effort contributing to low profits suffered by owner Extreme case e.g. Enron: corrupt managers receive lavish pay, “cooked the books” to avoid detection
Principal – Agent Problem With Costly Monitoring (MON) Owner or lender pays costs (attention & hired expertise) to MON borrower Lender designs loan contract to cover cost of MON: Bank takes share of residual profits, entrepreneur can easily cheat by reporting smaller amount, so bank must always MON Bank takes fixed payment, MON only when don’t receive it If MON costs high gives reason for “standard debt contract” SDC) to be optimal contract Known in economic literature as “costly state verification”
Townsend (1979): Costly State Verification (CSV) Model Risk-neutral entrepreneur has project but no funds Costlessly observes project outcome Project outcome depends on SON Only resources are from project (can’t give collateral) Risk-neutral bank (lends) Can’t directly observe outcome Verify entrepreneur’s claimed SON by paying fixed cost γ Lends if E(return)= I (cost of funds) First choose which SON to MON & which SON to NOT Eichenberger & Harper 6.2
Bank Wants Contract that’s Incentive Compatible (IC) An IC contract doesn’t give borrower incentive to lie about SON (bank learns SON from borrower’s claim) Z is return paid to bank z NOT = R (a constant); otherwise entrepreneur would always claim lowest repayment SON z MON < z NOT : IF borrower pays bank more when MON, borrower would always claim NOT
Assign to MON state if project return < bank’s cost of funds (this is approximately correct) If project fails, entrepreneur must give whatever remains of project to bank (has no other resources) Example Preliminaries
MON costs are passed from lender to entrepreneur !! E(project return) – (repay in MON) – (repay in NOT) SONLMH Probability f(SON)½23 I = 1 Mon Cost Bank’s cost of funds Project outcomes in all SON Borrower gives bank project outcome if can’t pay promised R Repay bank if project succeeds
The Bank’s Profits E(return in NOT) + (repay in MON) - (MON costs) SONABC Probability f(s)½23 I = 1 Specific MON costs cut bank profits
The Bank’s Participation Constraint (PC) E(return) + (repaid in MON) = cost of funds + E(MON cost) SONABC Probability f(s)½23 PC determines value for R !! Motivate entrepreneur’s high finance costs: to compensate bank for risk of bad SON + MON costs
Assign Bank MON costs but it passes them on to Entrepreneur So Entrepreneur pays bank’s cost of funds + MON costs
Optimal Contract R > I => must compensate bank for SON where f(s) < I (with higher γ, need higher R) MON NOT (constant R) I is cost of funds z return to bank
Lessons from Costly State Verification (CSV) If Mon costs zero, R > I compensates bank only for SON when outcome lower than fixed payment If MON costs > 0, asymmetric info raises cost of funds to entrepreneur, dampens investment SDC is real-world loan contract: bank asks for R, if it receives less, it declares entrepreneur bankrupt to recover as much as possible
Moral Hazard if Debt If lender buys debt, riskier project tempts entrepreneur Entrepreneur likes: earns more if win Lender dislikes: less likely to be repaid Example $10 loan: If succeed If failEntrepreneur expects Probability of non- payment to lender Planned Project 90% $20 10% $0 Risky Project 50% $50 50% $0 Expected value = prob win * (amt win) + prob lose * (amt lose)
Moral Hazard if Debt If a lender buys debt, riskier project can tempt entrepreneur Entrepreneur likes: earns more if win Lender dislikes: less likely to be repaid Example $10 loan: If succeed If failEntrepreneur expects Probability of non- payment to lender Planned Project 90% $20 10% $0$18 10% Risky Project 50% $50 50% $0$2550% Expected value = prob win * (amt win) + prob lose * (amt lose)
Solving Moral Hazard in Debt Include Restrictive Covenant in Contract to ensure entrepreneur uses funds in specific project NW or Collateral aligns borrower’s incentives with lender’s Lender seizes NW or collateral if borrower defaults Bank specializes in loan monitoring and enforcement