Paul Scherrer Institut 5232 Villigen PSI EURISOL/BENE_2007, PSI /GF34 Joint High Power Target Meeting EURISOL/BENE 22.2.2007, CERN Direct target irradiation.


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Presentation transcript:

Paul Scherrer Institut 5232 Villigen PSI EURISOL/BENE_2007, PSI /GF34 Joint High Power Target Meeting EURISOL/BENE , CERN Direct target irradiation experiment at PSI (EURISOL DS Task 3) F. Groeschel Paul Scherrer Institut Villigen, Switzerland

Paul Scherrer Institut 5232 Villigen PSI EURISOL/BENE_2007, PSI /GF34 Injector 1 in PSI accelerator complex Injector 1

Paul Scherrer Institut 5232 Villigen PSI EURISOL/BENE_2007, PSI /GF34 Injector 1 Variable energy cyclotron built by Philips. Its one-piece magnet has an azimuthally varying magnetic field for vertical focusing even at relativistic energies. The beam energy up to 72 MeV for protons. Equipped with several ion sources, Injector 1 offers a wide variety of beams ranging from protons and deuterons to light and heavy ions. Polarized beams of protons and deuterons are also available. Commissioned in In 1994 an ECR ion source was installed to extend its ability to accelerate heavy ions. Typical Beam Properties -Emittance: for all beams 30 mm mrad - Energy resolution: dispersionless mode E/E down to 2.5 x 10-3, analysed mode E/E down to 2 x Intensity: p up to 30 µA - Time structure: The pulse repetition rate is 16.9 or 50.6 Mhz for 72 MeV protons. LISOR facility

Paul Scherrer Institut 5232 Villigen PSI EURISOL/BENE_2007, PSI /GF34 LISOR facility Shut-off valves

Paul Scherrer Institut 5232 Villigen PSI EURISOL/BENE_2007, PSI /GF34 LISOR facility

Paul Scherrer Institut 5232 Villigen PSI EURISOL/BENE_2007, PSI /GF34 LISOR Test Section

Paul Scherrer Institut 5232 Villigen PSI EURISOL/BENE_2007, PSI /GF34 LBE loop

Paul Scherrer Institut 5232 Villigen PSI EURISOL/BENE_2007, PSI /GF34 LISOR -2 Tube Front Back 3rd International Workshop on Materials for Hybrid Reactors and Related Technology, Rome,

Paul Scherrer Institut 5232 Villigen PSI EURISOL/BENE_2007, PSI /GF34 LISOR-2 Specimen FrontBack 3rd International Workshop on Materials for Hybrid Reactors and Related Technology, Rome,

Paul Scherrer Institut 5232 Villigen PSI EURISOL/BENE_2007, PSI /GF34 Principle of sample holder

Paul Scherrer Institut 5232 Villigen PSI EURISOL/BENE_2007, PSI /GF34 Safety assessment Purpose of experiment: Development of direct targets for rare isotopes extraction for scientific purposes Irradiation facility: Injector 1, LISOR bunker, modified LISOR equipment Functional description of test rig: Beam and beam control: 72 MeV, 30  A,  = mm, static Test rig, Shielding, Adaptation of facility Set-up of equipment Operation  integrated current up to 20 mAh per capsule, 4 capsules Dismounting, sample extraction and disposal Radioactivity and radioprotection Radiation during operation, activation of environment (air, water, walls,..) Activation of test rig and shielding, decay characteristics Man doses during adaptation, set-up, operation, dismounting, Dosimetry Radioactive waste  one 200 l drum Accident assessment Internal events (Beam misalignment, loss of coolant, loss of power, loss of vacuum by air ingress, loss of vacuum by water leak, blockage during dismounting) Administrative matter

Paul Scherrer Institut 5232 Villigen PSI EURISOL/BENE_2007, PSI /GF34 Licensing Licensing requested and Safety Report submitted to BAG on Permit for installation granted on Permit for irradiation pending  Leak test and functional test (dry test report)  Control system description and test  List of safety instrumentation and logic  List of specimens and irradiation conditions  Operation manual

Paul Scherrer Institut 5232 Villigen PSI EURISOL/BENE_2007, PSI /GF34 Control System

Paul Scherrer Institut 5232 Villigen PSI EURISOL/BENE_2007, PSI /GF34 Control System Graphical Interface

Paul Scherrer Institut 5232 Villigen PSI EURISOL/BENE_2007, PSI /GF34 Misalignment, Damage of specimens Control of capsule temperatures and beam dump temperature

Paul Scherrer Institut 5232 Villigen PSI EURISOL/BENE_2007, PSI /GF34 Activation of Cooling Water

Paul Scherrer Institut 5232 Villigen PSI EURISOL/BENE_2007, PSI /GF34 Extraction of Test Jig Transfer to PSI hotlab  sample extraction, PIE and waste dsiposal

Paul Scherrer Institut 5232 Villigen PSI EURISOL/BENE_2007, PSI /GF34 Dose Rates 21 days/30  A, after 1 month decay

Paul Scherrer Institut 5232 Villigen PSI EURISOL/BENE_2007, PSI /GF34 Dose Rates and Decay

Paul Scherrer Institut 5232 Villigen PSI EURISOL/BENE_2007, PSI /GF34 Irradiation Program 2007

Paul Scherrer Institut 5232 Villigen PSI EURISOL/BENE_2007, PSI /GF34 Post Irradiation Examination  -spectrometry- weight loss/gain - visual inspection (optical, SEM)- metallo-/ceramography