Not a personal trainer.. AN ATHLETIC TRAINER IS..
Athletic Trainers (ATs) are certified health care professionals who specialize in the prevention, emergency care, clinical diagnosis, therapeutic intervention and rehabilitation of injuries and medical conditions. DEFINITION:
Because of the title, ATC’s are often confused with other professions. What professions might they be confused for? How can we prevent this? Yes, you actually have to answer these out loud and write down suggestions …..
Est. 1800’s Limited to massage Application of counter-irritant (think Benadryl cream) Prescription of home remedies (think hot tea and honey for a cold) The Trainer’s Bible – S. E. Bilik released during WW1 First “textbook” for those that wanted to learn the profession National Athletic Training Association Est Purpose: Est. professional standards American Medical Assoc (AMA) officially recognizes Athletic Training as an Allied Health Care Profession (think doctors, nurses, etc) HISTORY
The roles of the Athletic Trainer (AT) include the following: injury prevention; recognition, evaluation, and immediate care of athletic injuries; rehabilitation and reconditioning; health care administration; professional development and responsibility. Sub-roles of an AT: AT’s often act as a counselor, mediator, encourager ROLE OF AN AT
Primary AT’s work in collaboration with physicians (not just team orthopedic) As well as: Athlete Athlete's parent or guardian Athletic Director Team physician Certified AT Coach Secondary AT’s collaborate with other medical personal such as: Physical therapist School nurse (usually AT is school nurse) Dentist SPORTS MEDICINE TEAM
In order to become an AT, one must graduate from an accredited Athletic Training Education Program (ATEP). Programs are accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE). 2 year intensive program Previously: Bachelor’s program, now it is ONLY a Master’s program 70% of AT’s have an MA Must pass BOC After you are certified, you have to obtain CEU’s to keep your license. BECOMING AN AT
Certification vs Licensure vs Registration Licensure is a stricture form of regulation, placing more boundaries and duties on the AT. Varies from State to State. Certification states that you have basic knowledge and skill to practice, but places no extra boundaries or duties on AT Registration does not require proof of completion of education or passing BOC. No practice standards are set for ATC
Athletic training careers Traditional settings Scholastic environments High school/university (DI, II, III) Professional teams Nontraditional settings Sports medicine clinics Clinics (pain management) Health clubs (gyms) Industrial sites (warehouse) Performing arts Military Non-traditional sports (BMX Rodeo, Martial Arts, etc.) Many more…. WORK SETTINGS
Athletic Trainers in the Military Athletic Trainers in the Performing Arts (Cirque, Ballet, Theater) Athletic Trainers in Rodeo
Wake up early everyday/Stay late at work everyday Stress Can’t control the weather Non-compliant athletes Parents/coaches Poor sleeping cycles Personal appearance Homesick Job satisfaction Changing lives of athletes LIFE STYLE /EFFECTS
Stamina and ability to adapt Subject to burnout Empathy Needs to sense distress and desire to alleviate that distress Sense of humor Rated as most important attribute Ability to communicate Intellectual curiosity Ethics QUALITIES AN ATC NEEDS TO HAVE
Degree2011 Average Annual Salary Bachelor’s$46,176 Master’s$51, 144 Doctorate$76,262 SALARY
NOT A WATER GIRL Vital to a successful Athletic Training Program is any facility Can only operate under supervision of ATC Primary roles: Asst. with general safety procedures Learning taping skills Being able to identify when ath is not acting “normal” Use appropriate first aid techniques Acts as assistant to Head ATC STUDENT ATHLETIC TRAINER
The foundational behavior of understanding and valuing patients' differences and working responsibly with diverse patient populations What can go wrong? Yes, answer this out loud and write down your answers CULTURAL COMPETENCY
Overall injury rates were 1.73 times higher among soccer players and 1.22 times higher among basketball players in schools without athletic trainers. Recurrent injury rates were 5.7 times higher in soccer and 2.97 times higher in basketball in schools without athletic trainers. In contrast, concussion injury rates were 8.05 times higher in soccer and 4.5 times higher in basketball in schools with athletic trainers. STATISTICS