From Akiba-san’s slide. I’m studying the cause of these structure with simulation.
Set up - Phpythia p+p 100k events. -RMS of x,y vertex ~ 250um (larger than actual beam size) -no beam offset -pisaeventfile : /direct/phenix+subsys+vtx/asano/pisa/pisafile - GEANT assumes ideal geometry of VTX, and misalignment is introduced in svxPISA.par. (i.e. misalignment is introduced on reconstruction code.) -Example macro to change svxPISA.par : /direct/phenix+subsys+vtx/asano/alignmet/sim/manualchangegeo.C
DCA distribution with ideal geometry. (Unit:radian) (Unit:cm) L0L1 L2 L3 L4 L0L9 Layer 0 Layer 1 /direct/phenix+subsys+vtx/asano/alignmet/sim/svxalignmentStandalone_idealgeo100k.root
Example 1 WEST Layer 0 is moved 300um to +x direction. x y -Survey was done “before” we mate each layer. -Shift or rotation or distortion of “barrel”
Layer 0 Layer 1 /direct/phenix+subsys+vtx/asano/alignmet/sim/svxalignmentStandalone_geov3_100k.root
Example 2 Layer 0 WEST Ladder 0 : moved 300 um to “+ r” direction Ladder 1 : moved 300 um to “+x” direction Ladder 2 : moved 300 um to “+y” direciton Ladder 3 : moved 1mm to “+z” direction Ladder 4 : moved 5 milli radian to “+phi” direction /direct/phenix+subsys+vtx/asano/alignmet/sim/svxalignmentStandalone_geov2_100k.root
Example 3 Layer 1 WEST Ladder 0 : moved 300 um to “+ r” direction Ladder 1 : moved 300 um to “+x” direction Ladder 2 : moved 300 um to “+y” direciton Ladder 3 : moved 1mm to “+z” direction Ladder 4 : moved 5 milli radian to “+phi” direction Ladder 5 : rotate 3 milli radian around local z-axis. /direct/phenix+subsys+vtx/asano/alignmet/sim/svxalignmentStandalone_geov1_100k.root -Shift (x,y,z,r,phi) -Rotation around local x,y,z axis
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