Make sure that each item in your room serves more than one purpose If you can only use one appliance for one thing, it’s just taking up space For example, buy a music player that also charges your phone MULTI-PURPOSE ITEMS
I know that you are going to want to stock up with everything that you will need for that school year, but wait Do you really need three huge packs of pens and pencils? These will take up space and clutter your desk area Remember, you can always buy more if you need to DON’T BUY TOO MUCH
Get in touch with your roommate and see what you guys will need for the upcoming year Collaborate and decide who will bring what You both don’t need to bring printers, so decide who will bring it and share throughout the school year SHARE THINGS
Try and utilize all of the space in your dorm room Don’t leave empty space that could be used for storage If you have suitcases in your closet, fill them up with clothes that you might not be wearing this season AVOID EMPTY SPACE
Buy some bins and neatly fill them to the brim with the things that you’re going to need for the school year Make sure to make them easily accessible so you can get to whatever you need whenever you need it This will conserve so much space and give everything a certain spot You could even label them HAVE A SET SPOT FOR EVERYTHING
Find a way to arrange your furniture so that you have space to move around Maybe try lifting your bed so you can store bins under it Try stacking your dressers or fitting them in your closets FURNITURE ARRANGEMENTS