CLIC Transfer System Introduction Daniel Schulte for the CLIC team March 11, 2010
The CLIC Layout
3 CLIC Two Beam Acceleration Module Drive Beam Main Beam Transfer lines Main Beam Drive Beam modules (2 meters long) power production structures PETS (drive beam) accelerating structures (main beam)
140 s train length - 24 24 sub-pulses 4.2 A GeV – 60 cm between bunches 240 ns 24 pulses – 101 A – 2.5 cm between bunches 240 ns 5.8 s Drive beam time structure - initial Drive beam time structure - final CLIC RF POWER SOURCE LAYOUT Drive Beam Accelerator efficient acceleration in fully loaded linac Power Extraction Drive Beam Decelerator Section (2 24 in total) Combiner Ring 3 Combiner Ring 4 pulse compression & frequency multiplication pulse compression & frequency multiplication Delay Loop 2 gap creation, pulse compression & frequency multiplication RF Transverse Deflectors CLIC Power Source Concept
5 CLIC Main Parameters Center-of-mass energyCLIC 500 GCLIC 3 TeV Beam parametersConservativeNominalConservativeNominal Accelerating structure502G Total (Peak 1%) luminosity0.9(0.6)· (1.4)· (0.73)· (2.0)·10 34 Repetition rate (Hz)50 Loaded accel. gradient MV/m80100 Main linac RF frequency GHz12 Bunch charge Bunch separation (ns)0.5 Beam pulse duration (ns) Beam power/beam (MWatts)4.914 Hor./vert. norm. emitt (10 -6 /10 -9 )3/402.4/252.4/200.66/20 Hor/Vert FF focusing (mm)10/0.48 / / 0.34 / 0.07 Hor./vert. IP beam size (nm)248 / / / / 1.0 Hadronic events/crossing at IP Coherent pairs at IP BDS length (km) Total site length km Wall plug to beam transfer eff7.5%6.8% Total power consumption MW
The CLIC Rational Aim at high centre-of-mass energy at reasonable cost Reduce machine size high accelerating gradients -> structure design Minimise cost per unit length focus is on the main linac module and tunnel Power source Aim at high luminosity Push beam current -> push efficiency Push specific luminosity -> high beam quality Push effective run time -> operation and machine protection Aim at good experimental conditions Detector design Quality of luminosity spectrum Background conditions
CLIC Strategy Divide the identified critical issues into three categories Feasibility issues if this does not work we lose the interest Performance issues if this does not work the performance is reduced Cost issues there is significant impact on cost For the CDR concentrate on feasibility issues Some important performance issues addressed Some important cost issues addressed An interesting machine based on this techniology can can be built In the TDR phase more detail is needed Something that is not a feasiblity issues could kill a project Addressing the performance issues Reducing cost This machine can be built
Technology evaluation and Physics assessment based on LHC results for a possible decision on Linear Collider with staged construction starting with the lowest energy required by Physics First Beam? Technical Design Report (TDR) Conceptual Design Report (CDR) Project approval ? Tentative Long-Term CLIC Scenario Shortest, Success Oriented, Technically Limited Schedule ? 1 – Assumed TD phase from 2011 to 2016 ?
10 CLIC Feasibility Issues RF Structures (gradient + power generation): Accelerating Structures (CAS) Power Production Structures (PETS) Two Beam Acceleration (power generation and machine concept): Drive beam generation Two beam module Drive beam deceleration Ultra low beam emittance and beam sizes (luminosity): Emittance preservation during generation, acceleration and focusing Alignment and stabilisation Detector (experimental conditions): Adaptation to short interval between bunches Adaptation to large background at high beam collision energy Machine Protection System (robustness)
Projected Status in 2010Goals for 2013Goals for 2016 Drive beam injector Thermionic option: scheme for satellites control, stability assessment in CTF3 Photoinjector option: meas. beam quality, stability and long test running of photo- injector in CTF2 Comparison and choice between photo-injector and thermionic possible Photo-injector in CTF3 ? Injector prototype with CLIC nominal parameters, possibly for both solution if choice is not made DBA, Full Loading, efficiency 95% efficiency RF-to-beam, SICA 3 GHz, 5 A Current stability ~ Energy stability ~ Current stability < Energy stability < First part of DB linac at right frequency, 100 to 200 MeV final stability Efficiency > 90% includ. WGs Rings, combination scheme ~ 30 A combined and transported, bunch length < 1 mm, emittance ~ 100 mm mrad, current &energy stability a few Phase stability ? CLIC DL & CR design C & E stability below Phase stability monitor (FP7), measurements Eventually add final DL & ring(s) to injector/DBA ?? Sources (modulators & klystrons) Parametric study of DBA power scheme, reference structure design, M&K specs Design of M&K, start prototyping – possibly a few prototypes ready in 2012 M&Ks with full specs, as needed for injector and DBA section. Drive beam phase and amplitude feedback system timing reference system conceptual feedforward system low impedance phase monitor, test in CTF3 DB fast phase feed- back/forward in CTF3 – results of experimental studies (Kickers, amplifiers, improved phase monitors) alternative timing reference (e.g. X-FEL) Example Table for TDR Phase: Drive Beam
CERN MTP Expect additional resources from collaborators (from ½ to about the same level) CLIC M+P Resources (MCHF) / yearCLIC M+P Resources (MCHF)
Helsinki Institute of Physics (Finland) IAP (Russia) IAP NASU (Ukraine) INFN / LNF (Italy) Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (Spain) IRFU / Saclay (France) Jefferson Lab (USA) John Adams Institute (UK) Polytech. University of Catalonia (Spain) PSI (Switzerland) RAL (UK) RRCAT / Indore (India) SLAC (USA) Thrace University (Greece) University of Oslo (Norway) Uppsala University (Sweden) Aarhus University (Denmark) Ankara University (Turkey) Argonne National Laboratory (USA) Athens University (Greece) BINP (Russia) CERN CIEMAT (Spain) Cockcroft Institute (UK) Gazi Universities (Turkey) JINR (Russia) Karlsruhre University (Germany) KEK (Japan) LAL / Orsay (France) LAPP / ESIA (France) NCP (Pakistan) North-West. Univ. Illinois (USA) Patras University (Greece) World-wide CLIC&CTF3 Collaboration 33 Institutes involving 22 funding agencies from 18 countries
CLIC Structure CLIC/CTF3 Collaboration Board K.Peach/JAI CLIC Steering Committee J.P.Delahaye CLIC Advisory Committee T.Raubenheimer/SLAC CLIC Design & Accelerator J.P.Delahaye LCD Physics & Detectors L.Linssen Beam Physics D.Schulte Structure development W.Wuensch Technical design H.Schmickler Conceptual Design Report Editorial Board: H.Schmickler Cost & Schedule P.Lebrun CLIC meeting G.Geschonke CTF3 project G.Geschonke/R.Corsini Commissioning & Operation R.Corsini Installation & Exploitation L.Rinolfi & G.Geschonke CALIFE W.Farabolini/CEA Two Beam Test Stand R.Ruber/UU-I.Syratchev TBL S.Doebert Photo Injector S.Doebert 12 GHz Test Stand K.Schirm CTF3 Committee G.Geschonke Technical Design Phase R.Corsini CLIC Beams Cttee D.Schulte Structure Cttee W.Wuensch RF design A.Grudiev&I.Syratchev Structure Production G.Riddone Exp&Breakdown studies W.Wuensch Engineering & Syst integration G.Riddone CLIC Technical Ctee H.Schmickler Machine Oper.&Protection (MOP) M.Jonker Two Beam Module (TBM) G.Riddone Machine Detector Interface (MDI) L.Gatignon Civil Engineering&Service (CES) J.Osborne Stabilisation C.Hauviller Survey & Alignment H.Mainaud Instrumentation T.Lefevre Cost & Schedule Cttee P.Lebrun Physics & Detectors meeting Integration, Simulations, Physics D.Schulte Main Beam Injectors L.Rinolfi Damping Rings Y.Papaphlippou Interaction Region R.Tomas Drive Beam Complex B.Jeanneret Experimental programme R.Corsini CLIC-ILC Collaboration D.Schulte
For details EDMS# v.8 3 TeV 500 GeV Not all beamlines are listed Improvement for TDR Not all beamlines are listed Improvement for TDR
Workpackages Workpackage proposals from ABT seem a good basis for discussion Transfer lines Injection/extraction/switching Beam dump/dilution systems Optimum situation if ABT can take over lines in which kickers/dumps dominate But not limited to this For CLIC integrated studies are essential Need full integration of ABT beamline contribution into beam physics team Hardware items integrated into CTC
Interesting Drive Beam Areas
The extraction of the two combiner rings The extraction at the drive beam turn-arounds The long drive beam transfer line potentially the transfer arcs into the main linac tunnel The phase feed-forward system at the final turn-arounds Drive beam dump and vertical bend line
3 rd o /4 4 rd 2 nd C ring = (n + ¼) injection line septum local inner orbits 1 st deflector 2 nd deflector 1 st turn o RF deflector field combination factors up to 5 reachable in a ring RF Injection In Combiner Ring C ring has to correspond to the distance of pulses from the previous combination stage!
Two-Beam Acceleration Counter propagation from central complex Instead of using a single drive beam pulse for the whole main linac, several (N S = 24) short drive beam pulses are used Each one feed a ~880 m long sector of two-beam acceleration (TBA) pulse 2pulse 1 main linacdecelerator sector main beam pulse From central complex Counter flow distribution allows to power different sectors of the main linac with different time bins of a single long electron drive beam pulse The distance between the pulses is 2 L s = 2 L main /N S (L main = single side linac length) The initial drive beam pulse length t DB is given by twice the time of flight through one single linac so t DB = 2 L main / c, 140 µs for the 3 TeV CLIC
Phase Feedforward Kick angle of 350 micro-radian required INFN, JAI and maybe more involved System design strongly depending on coherent synchrotron radiation
DRIVE BEAM LINAC CLEX CLIC Experimental Area DELAY LOOP COMBINER RING 10 m Phase & energy measurement Fast feed-forward kicker in final compression line Foreseen Experiment in CTF3
Drive Beam Areas Summary The combiner ring extraction is done using kickers Design remains to be done, but CTF3 is existence proof Issues are the high current (up to 100A) The number of kicks (bursts of 98 kicks of 300ns length with 1.5us spacing at 500Hz) Kickers and lattice responsibility could usefully be in same hands The long transfer line with the transfer to tunnel arc Design exists for transfer line, but not for arc Collective effects are important The extraction from the long transfer line requires approx. 50 kickers Kickers and lattice responsibility could usefully be in same hands Design required
Drive Beam Areas Summary (cont) The return arcs Special design expertise required Collective effects are important Similar to combiner ring New design required The phase feedforward requires kickers Basic design exists Experiments will be done in CTF3, details to be worked out Lattice design requires coherent synchrotron radiation expertise but could link to extraction kicker area The extraction line/vertical bend Design exists but needs revision Geometircal matching is relevant Large energy spread (factor 10)
Interesting Main Beam Areas
Interesting Main Beam Lines Pre-damping ring injection Pre-damping ring extraction/damping ring injection line Damping ring extraction Combination and separation line for booster linac Long transfer line Orbit feedforward at final turn-around Phase feedback at final turn-around Intra-pulse interaction point feedback Dump lines, e.g. BDS dump line
Damping Rings Some extraction/injection lines exist Injection into pre-damping ring Extraction from pre-damping ring leads to injection into damping ring Extraction from damping ring These beamlines are dominated by the need to have kickers Ideal task for ABT Would be good to have for CDR Significant design work remains to be done Extraction from damping ring requires very good kicker reproducebility/flatness (O(10^-4)) Double kicker design advantageous Intimately linked with lattice design
Ring To Main Linac (RTML) Good topics: Damping ring extraction to BC1/spin rotator remains to be done Booster linac combiner/separator remains to be designed, would be good for CDR Long transfer line is designed Requires collaboration with other experts (e.g. collective effects, beam-based alignment) Turn-arounds are designed Maybe not a good topic Feedforwards at final turn-around need design but main problem is the kicker and the integration
Other Lines At the start of the BDS a dump line is needed for linac commissioning No work done sofar Would be good to have for CDR Shares tunnel with BDS system Could we avoid additional beam dumps? Intra-pulse IP feedback is important but requires no beamline design Not yet identified lines for commissioning
Summary Important Kickers Combiner ring extraction kickers Drive beam long transfer line extraction kickers Drive beam phase feedforward kickers Main beam (pre-)damping ring injection and extraction kickers Phase feedforward kickers Orbit feedforward kickers Intra-pulse interaction point feedback kicker Kickers for machine protection The blue kickers require high bandwidth, the others good flat tops
Summary Dumps A number of dumps will be needed in CLIC Full list not yet available Will depend on operational considerations Most critical dumps seem Main beam dumps at full energy One for each beam after the collision point One at the start of the BDS Power about 15MW Drive beam decelerator dumps About 50 are needed Power a few MW Drive beam accelerator commissioning dump Needs some reflection Other dumps Post injector linac dump Damping ring dumps Post booster linac dump …
Conclusion Obvious system level reponsibility could be Extraction lines from drive beam combiner rings Drive beam extraction lines from long transfer Drive beam decelerator dump lines and vertical bend Main beam transport lines from injector linac to BC1/spin rotator If needed damping ring merger line Booster linac combination and separation Long transfer line Main beam extraction at the entrance of BDS Other commissioning lines to be defined We have to discuss The full transport from combiner ring to decelerator Some lines need instrumentation sections, e.g. damping ring to BC1 Special expertise is needed for some (e.g. collective effects, in particular coherent synchrotron radiation, isochronos lattice arcs), could be solved by collaboration Collaboration is essential Integrated studies are required External collaborators On a component level kickers and dumps elsewhere
Drive Beam Design Baseline for CDR, further design optimisation possible for TDR Collective effects and special lattice knowledge required for transport from combiner ring to decelerator
Drive Beam Phase Tolerance
Delay Loop Principle double repetition frequency and current parts of bunch train delayed in loop RF deflector combines the bunches (f defl =bunch rep. frequency) Path length corresponds to beam sub-pulse length double repetition frequency and current parts of bunch train delayed in loop RF deflector combines the bunches (f defl =bunch rep. frequency) Path length corresponds to beam sub-pulse length
Resource limited Prototypes of most critical components e.g. accelerating structures decelerating structures alignment system stabilisation system Assessment of feasibility of most other critical components e.g. kickers Design and performance study of most critical beam lines Aim to show that we are not too far of for feasibility issues not that we full achieve the specifications for them CDR Phase
Still resource limited Continue work on feasibility issues we are satisfied for the CDR if performance is not too far from goal Technical design, prototypes and industrialisation of schedule critical components e.g. two-beam modules drive beam accelerator units Technical design and prototypes of critical components e.g. kickers Design of all beam lines Some facilities e.g. CLIC drive beam injector complex TDR Phase