Dr. PRANAV PANDYA, MD (Med) Head : All World Gayatri Pariwar Chancellor : Dev Sanskriti University, India Reinventing Medicine A NEW ERA OF HEALING
Dev Sanskriti University A Centre for Research and Study of Ancient Indian Sciences and Spirituality
Situated at the foothills of Himalayas - in Haridwar, about 200 Kms from National Capital Delhi
Main Educational and Administrative Centre
Moulding of Elegant, competent, dedicated scholars of outstanding character & merit Emphasis CharacterCultureCompetence
Value based practices : Prayer Meditation/Yogic exercises Community services Yagya Emphasis
Value based Management Work culture Subsistence allowance Teaching by behaviour and action Involvement in the development of society Emphasis
Masters Degree (M.A./M.Sc.) Psychology Yogic Science and Human Consciousness Indian Culture and Tourism Journalism and Mass Communication Courses Offered (Semester System) Diploma: Yoga and human consciousness Holistic Health Management Theology Rural Management Courses to start : Masters in Holistic Medicine Masters in HR Management Masters in Bio-informatics Advance Diploma in CAM
Doctorate for Research in: Psychology 29 Yogic Science and Human Consciousness 27 Indian Culture and Tourism 1 Journalism and Mass Communication 0 Oriental Sciences 4 Total61 Courses Offered
Distance Education Centers (500 all over India and Abroad) Center for R&D in Integrative medicine Center for Indology 500 Constituent Colleges to start by 2007 Future Plans
Brahmavarchas Research Institute (Established in 1979) An Institute dedicated for Inter-communion of Science and Spirituality
TMT - Computerized Tread Mill Test An Advanced Test to Measure Cardiac Efficiency
Computerized Spirometer In this test various aspects of Lung Functions are measured before and after Pranayam
Computerized E.E.G.
21 channel Polyrite This Electroencephalograph Equipment is used to measure various parameter of the Brain.Various wave burst pattern specially alpha waves are noted during intense meditation.
Alpha EEG Bio-feedback Bursts of alpha waves are measured after filtration through Crude EEG by a two channel Physiograph. The Percentage improvement shows efficacy of Meditation and power of Mantra Shakti.
* Increasing no. of elderly persons all over * Care of dying patients becoming more difficult * Organ Transplants ;a boon or a curse? * Stem cell revolution with newer dimensions emerging. * Genome and Cloning – Technological wonders? Why to Reinvent Medicine Challenging Issues
* Health system getting bankrupt and costs getting higher. * Complimentary and alternative medicine (CAM) emerging fast. * Impaired Physicians, Lack of will to participate in CME, Their addictions * Pain Management and reassurance * Depression as the topmost killer by 2015(WHO) Challenging Issues
Era 1 : Dates to Mid 1800 Scientists regarded: human bodies as mindless machine. Crude therapies were prevalent Modern Medicine : Three Eras Era 2 : Dates to Mid 1900 * Era of penicillins and other Antibiotics * Emerged mind body medicine * Mind Could affect one’s body, placebo response * Research on PUS and hypertension
Era 3 : By New Millennium *Development of non local mind *Effect of consciousness to act locally as well as non-locally Modern Medicine : Three Eras
Era 1 is Mechanical Medicine Began in 1860s : It was materialistic, mechanistic or physicalistic medicine like :Leeches, drugs, surgery, radiation so on Energy and matter only mattered not mind Modern Medicine : Three Eras
Developed after World War II : till Mid 90s Research on Placebo Effect – Beneficial results of suggestion, and Positive Thinking Stress Management techniques used for heart disease or Coronary bypass, not as a replacement for them It was the time when Isotopes had changed the scenario Modern Medicine : Era 2
Development of Alternative and Complementary Medicine : Endless potential of therapies Era 2 – Psychosomatic Medicine Modern Medicine : Three Eras
Non-local Medicine (Infinite Medicine) *It grants mind freedom to roam freely in space and time *Mind is more than the brain. No one’s illness is a purely individual matter Modern Medicine : Era Three
Distance Healing : By loving and compassionate thoughts, intentions and prayers to others Modern Medicine : Era Three Non-local Medicine (Infinite Medicine)
Three features of Non Locality Non Local happenings are unmediated 1.Don’t require a go between two Subject 2. Strength does not falloff with distance 3. No requirement for travel time Beyond Mind Body to a New Era of Healing
Era 3 : *Recognizes the collective, unbounded nature of human consciousness Beyond Mind Body to a New Era of Healing
Era 3 : Medicine thus is a form of healing based on the fundamental, infinite nature of consciousness. Reinventing Medicine
Eternity Medicine Therapies (i) Music Therapy (ii) Presence being felt (iii) Need of internal and eternal medicine Reinventing Medicine
An exciting field of medicine – includes *Meditation, *Hypnosis, *Guided imagery, *Biofeed back, *Relaxation therapy *Prayer healing Mind body Medicine: Giving way to Spiritual therapy
Opinion of Scientific Community Some of the complementary therapies may be like a harmless fashion or may be a mass hysteria but….. Alternative systems of medicine like Ayurved definitely opens new horizons for prevention and cure of diseases.
The Approach Conventional medicine regards body as a machine like a computer or a jumbo jet CAM thinks that healthy body is a system in balance The whole body is a self regulating extended network
According to Cam Experts … Network Pathologies arise when The body self-organises in response to some disturbance but becomes confused and ends up worse at self regulation than before Irritable bowel syndrome and Chronic fatigue syndrome are examples of primary network pathologies
Depression will be world’s most debilitating disease by 2005 after heart ailments. By 2015, it may be first. Psychology is going to be the subject of future for students Who Warning
How to meditate Select something to focus upon: A candle flame, a flower, your deity, Himalayas or ocean. Focus on your breath by counting each inhalation and exhalation.
How to meditate *You can also focus on sound of Aum or Mantra or a meaningful word or phrase. OR *Mentally recite mantra in synchrony with your breathing. Even 20 minutes of inner equipoise is enough to give you inner peace and freshness.
The Need is…. To use in this 21 st century all therapies in balance Combine the physical, mind-body and nonlocal approaches for better health to all
Headquarters at Haridwar