St. James State of the Church 2016
Goals for 2016 Adopt a new mission statement. Develop and hire a director of Children’s Ministries. Fund and finish the Critical Repairs project. Improve the way we communicate with each other and with our community. Hold a ministry fair.
Adopt a New Mission Statement One God, One Church, Many Missions
Develop and Hire a Director of Christian Education Nursery Youth Children’s Weekday Ministries Office Manager Finance Manager
Nursery Two new members of the staff Allows staff to be in worship Flexibility in scheduling
Youth and Young Adults: Randy Kerr 5 hour/week to this position Young Adults: College age Post-college Young families
Director of Children’s Ministries: Kris Johnson Sunday morning Sunday evening Preschool After-school tutoring Summer camp Parent morning out Seasonal event Nurseries
Office Manager: Martha Brown Communications formally added to the position
Director of Finance and Community Engagement: Lisa Kazmierczak Increased presence in our community
Fund and Finish Critical Repairs Project was initiated in 2013.
Finances General Fund Cash Balance 5/31/2016 $49,685 Loan Balance 5/31/2016 $118,271 Designated Fund Cash Balance 5/31/2016 $38,493 Critical Repairs Balance $10,980