Anne Bradstreet Puritan Poetry Edward Taylor Sor Juana
Anne Bradstreet $400 “In silent night when rest I took” is an example of this literary device that poets use to help with the rhythm and rhyme. What is Inversion?
Puritan Poetry $400 It is the type of metaphor Anne Bradstreet uses when she talks about the house up above framed by “that mighty architect” What is an Extended Metaphor?
Edward Taylor $400 These are what the speaker in Taylor’s poem wants God to make him. What is a spinning wheel and a loom?
Sor Juana $400 This is the language that Sor Juana used to write her poetry. What is Spanish?
Anne Bradstreet $800 Bradstreet’s use of the house in heaven is a reference to this part of the Bible. What is Psalm 23?
Puritan Poetry $800 Edward Taylor uses conceit to compare his growing faith in God with this What is the making of clothing?
Edward Taylor $800 At the conclusion of Taylor’s poem, this is what the speaker is clothed in. What are Holy Robes for glory?
Sor Juana $800 According to her poem, this is what Sor Juana values more than wealth or beauty. What is knowledge?
Anne Bradstreet $1200 “Didst fix thy hope on mold’ring dust?” is an example of this rhetorical device. What is Rhetorical Question?
Puritan Poetry $1200 Bradstreet uses this type of rhyme pattern in her poem What is couplet?
Edward Taylor $1200 On a spinning wheel, this is the stick on which fibers are wound before they are spun into thread What is a Distaff?
Sor Juana $1200 Sor Juana stopped eating this food because she thought it dulled the mind. What is cheese?
Anne Bradstreet $1600 “Adieu, Adieu, all’s vanity” is a reference to this book of the Bible. What is Ecclesiastes?
Puritan Poetry $1600 He is the one Bradstreet refers to as “He who hath enough to do.” Who is Jesus?
Edward Taylor $1600 This is what the speaker of Taylor’s poem wants God to use his ordinances to make. What are Fulling Mills?
Sor Juana $1600 Sor Juana cut off her hair because she was unable to learn this quickly enough. What is Latin?
Anne Bradstreet $2000 Bradstreet asks God not to leave her this, which means helpless. Who is succorless?
Puritan Poetry $2000 Bradstreet uses this term of contempt to refer to her worldly goods. What is Pelf?
Edward Taylor $2000 On a spinning wheel, this is what the pedals that control the rate of spinning are called. What are Swift Flyers?
Sor Juana $2000 In her poem, Sor Juana uses this word, which means beauty. What is comeliness?